Abbey Road

艺人:The Beatles

Abbey Road专辑介绍

在完成Let It Be之后,甲壳虫四人组合着手制作他们作为一个乐队、一个组合的最后一张专辑。这之后,乐队成员将各奔东西。由于这张专辑是在伦敦的阿比大街(Abbey Road)录制的,所以Beatles将其命名为Abbey Road。

录制于甲壳虫乐队最后日子的《阿比大街》是其成就的顶点,充分展示了乐队成员成熟的技艺。如同对他们多年共同合作的一个总结,该专辑包括了每一个成员的作品,各种不同的风格熔于一炉。其中摇滚乐有:The End,I Want You,Oh!Darling,Come Together,民谣类有Because,Something,而Sun King中的吉它片段,Carry That Weight、Golden Slumbers中的配乐,I Want You、Sun King、Maxwell's Silver Hammer中Sgt. Pepper式的倒带、各种奇奇怪怪的新乐器以及录音室噱头,都给人留下深刻印象。

所有乐队成员都有创作汇入该专辑,而每一个作品都是对他们各自独特秉赋的绝好印证。特别突出的是George的Something和Here Comes The Sun,这也许是有史以来最棒的两首歌了。Ringo的配乐技巧同样令人难以忘怀,Octopus's Garden显然有着该专辑中最诱人的旋律之一。


The last Beatles album to be recorded (although Let It Be was the last to be released), Abbey Road was a fitting swan song for the group, echoing some of the faux-conceptual forms of Sgt. Pepper, but featuring stronger compositions and more rock-oriented ensemble work. The group was still pushing forward in all facets of its art, whether devising some of the greatest harmonies to be heard on any rock record (especially on "Because"), constructing a medley of songs/vignettes that covered much of side two, adding subtle touches of Moog synthesizer, or crafting furious guitar-heavy rock ("The End," "I Want You (She's So Heavy)," "Come Together"). George Harrison also blossomed into a major songwriter, contributing the buoyant "Here Comes the Sun" and the supremely melodic ballad "Something," the latter of which became the first Harrison-penned Beatles hit. Whether Abbey Road is the Beatles' best work is debatable, but it's certainly the most immaculately produced (with the possible exception of Sgt. Pepper) and most tightly constructed.


Abbey Road专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 3
