
  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Norwegian Wood(挪威森林)

    标签: 弹唱

    艺人:The Beatles

    专辑:Rubber Soul

    作词:Lennon, McCartney

    作曲:Lennon, McCartney



    Norwegian Wood

    Artist:the Beatles

    Album:Rubber Soul

    I once had a girl, or should I say

    She once had me.

    She showed me her room,

    Isn't it good?

    Norwegian wood.

    She asked me to stay and she told me to sit anywhere,

    So I looked around and I noticed there wasn't a chair.

    I sat on a rug ,biding my time, drinking her wine.

    We talked until two,

    And then she said, is time for bed?

    She told me she worked in the morning and started to laugh,

    I told her I didn't,

    and crawled off to sleep in the bath.

    And when I awoke

    I was alone,

    This bird has flown,

    So I lit a fire,

    Isn't it good?

    Norwegian wood.

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  • 不休
    虾米看到的关于歌名的解释: “挪威的森林'系误译。Wood指木头,在英语系国家没人会认为是森林吧。 Norwegian Wood是一种便宜的松木,在欧洲用来盖房子,隔音效果不好。保罗马卡特尼当时创作时觉得用Cheap Pine(廉价松木)作歌名不合适,就取了Norwegian Wood。这样,其中一句歌词“She showed me her room, isn't it good, Norwegian wood? ”就可以理解通了。作品中女主人公家境并不好,家是用挪威木盖的,也没有椅子招待“我”,然后“我”在她的浴缸中过夜,醒来时美人已不知去向,顿觉无限惆怅。 吉他谱的版本很多,我挑了个简单的和弦编了下,你也可以看看别人编的: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/search.php?search_type=title&value=Norwegian+Wood 电影《挪威的森林》片段:石田玲子 高中时候看过一些村上春树的小说,挪威的森林真的是一点也看不进去,后来的这个电影也只看了两眼就没看了,看的最多最喜欢的是《世界尽头与冷酷仙境》。 这段演唱的吉他伴奏听了好一会才大概听出来,A和弦最好用食指横按234弦,转F#m和B才方便一些。