标题:Cool Patrol
标签: 总谱
艺人:Ninja Sex Party
专辑:Cool Patrol
Hey -Ki-id! You're get-ting picked on in school The o-ther bo-ys, They say you just ai-n't cool! Well that's bull-shit! We're gon-na show you the rules Those mo-ther fuck-ers ain't gon-na bo-ther you no more! We are the bad boys from the tough side of town We are the cool pa-trol we'll turn your life a- -round Those Bull-ies, they're ass is done for -now We're gon-na show you how so fuck-in li-sten you're first! You put your hands in the air and you jump off the ground And then you take that fun-ky butt and you sha- ke it all a-round and ligh-tly jog in place and then crank it up to ten This is the cool pa-trol da-aa-aa-aa-ance Now put your hands in your pock-ets and take them right back out and spin a-round in a cir-cle and make an an-i-mal sound, then glide in-to the sprink-ler like you're gon-na wa-ter the plants This is the cool pa-trol da-aa-aa-aa-nce! Mo-ther-fu-ckin' bul-lies bet-ter watch their -ass You're sen-ding all them shits a mes-sage there's a new kid in class When they see you they're gon-na freak out -and piss their -pants They are your bith-es! They are your bit-ches be-cause! You put your hands in the air and stick out your rear end And then you wig-gle it real hard and you hug - your clos-est friend And then you wi-ld-ly re-move your clothes and tear a-way pants This is the cool pa-trol da-aa-aa-aa-nce! Now rub the pea-nut-but-ter on you from your head to your feet And co-ver up your nu-di-ty with diff-'rent chee-ses and meats Then slap a cam-el be-cause this could be your on-ly chance This is the cool pa-trol daa-aa-aa-aa-nce! Cool Break! Al-right! This is cool! *cough* *cough* 'scuse me Hey! I have an i-de-a! Let's Kick It! Now put your hands in the air and grab a bird from the sky, And eat it whole so that you may ab-sorb-its pow-er of flight Now you can al-so dive bomb fish be-cause your vi-sion's en-hanced This is the cool pa-trol da-aa-aa-aa-nce! You're ba-sic-ally a su-per he-ro now so throw some cars, And rub your mag-num thighs to-ge-ther and set fi-re to mars Now har-ness all yur se-xy fu-ry in a vic-to-ry stance This is the cool pa-trol da-aa-aa-aa-nce! Yo! Huh! Yeah! Oh! Woo! Aww Shit!