




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Everybody Shut Up (I Have an Erection)

    艺人:Ninja Sex Party

    专辑:Strawberries and Cream


    OH MY GOD Stacey! Did I tell you about my date with Steve last week?You went out with Steve?! He’s so cute!!!I know! He took me out to this little restaurant... ExplosionsGavel hits In conclusion, your honor, in light of this new evidence, I would propose that the murderer was not my client, but...Mrs. Donovan!I will have order in this court! Ladies and gentlemen, as the President of the United States, I must sometimes make grave decisions. I come to you today to tell you that the United States has decided to declare war on....Mouth ExplosionMachine Gun FireDanny's Lifeless Body Hitting The Ground


    [Jenny: OH MY GOD Stacey! Did I tell you about my date with Steve last week? Stacey: You went out with Steve?! He’s so cute!!! Jenny: I know! He took me out to this little restaurant... ] Ev-ery-bo-dy shut up, I have an e-rect-ion! It on-ly ha-ppens eight-y sev-en times a day Stop what you’re do-ing and wit-ness pe-nis per-fect-ion This is more im-port-ant than what you have to say Your sto-ry can wait, 'cause I am ve-ry er-ect Now let’s all take a mi-nute to watch my dick and re-flect Your spi-rit's at peace No need to call the po-lice Please hold your app-lause [Defense Attorney: In conclusion, your honor, in light of this new evidence, I would propose that the murderer was not my client, but...Mrs. Donovan! (Courtroom gasps!) Judge: I will have order in this court! ] Ev-ery-bo-dy shut up, I have an e-rect-ion! If Ju-stice is blind, she's go-nna miss this dis-play It’s hard as steel but still e-vad-ed me-tal de-tect-ion This is more im-port-ant than what you have to say Judge, don't give me that robe, 'cause then no-bo-dy could see This pi-llar of awe-some that's stick-ing straight out of me Who could ar-gue a case With so much dick in your face? Please hold your app-lause Do you e-ver take a mo-ment and look up at the stars And think a-bout your life and just how stu-pid you are If it makes you feel be-tter, I'm a fuck-ing rock star With an a-ma-zing pe- nis But e-nough a-bout you, let's fo-cus more on my crotch It's as tang-y as whis-ky and hits you hard-er than scotch You might not get what I'm say-ing, so just sit back and wa-a-tch Look! It's still my pe- nis! [President: Ladies and gentlemen, as the President of the United States, I must sometimes make grave decisions. I come to you today to tell you that the United States has decided to declare war on....] Shut up Mis-ter. Pre-si-dent, I have an e-rect-ion! Here's a tri-cky dick that can not be im-peached Check out my nut-sack, it could swing an e-lect-ion This is more im-por-tant than your bor-ing-ass speech For one na-tion, in-di-vis-i-ble un-der God We all stand to-ge-ther and peep my glor-i-ous rod Hey those guys look fun Oh wait are they hold-ing guns? Please hold your If Ju-stice is blind, she's go-nna miss this dis-pla-y This is more im-port-ant than what you have to say This pi-llar of awe-some that's stick-ing straight out of me-e Please ho-old your app-lause PE-NIS (Gasp) Here's a tri-cky dick that can not be im-peached This is more im-por-tant than your bor-ing-ass speech For one na-tion, in-di-vis-i-ble un-der God We all stand to-ge-ther and peep my glor-i-ous rod

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