Gibson Acoustic SJ-200 True Vintage


The SJ-200 was originally built to cut through the loudest acoustic ensembles but ended up defining the new American music scene on its way to becoming the world’s most famous acoustic guitar. The SJ-200 True Vintage delivers the look, feel and sound of our original Super Jumbo as it was at the pinnacle of the acoustic age prior to amplification. Gibson Acoustic’s master luthiers in Bozeman, Montana, have created a nearly-identical instrument in structure and components as the most popular 1950’s version including an Adirondack red spruce top, hot hide glue top bracing for better tonal response and VOS finish. The SJ-200 True Vintage captures the deep, well-balanced tone and powerful sound of this celebrated guitar. Available for a limited time. Each guitar includes a black hardshell case with plush-lined interior, owner's manual, Gibson's Gold Warranty and Gibson's 24/7/365 Customer Service.

Gibson Acoustic SJ-200 True Vintage 的参数

分类 民谣吉他
价格 $4999
型号 Gibson Acoustic SJ-200 True Vintage
系列 Super Jumbo系列
Species 枫木
Profile Traditional Round
有效弦长 251/2"
Angle 3 Degrees
Peghead Angle 17 Degrees
琴栓镶嵌 Mother of Pearl Logo and Crown
琴枕宽度 1.725"
上弦枕 Bone
Joint 14th Fret
Species Madagascar rosewood
包边 Singleply
镶嵌 MOP Crowns
品数 20
琴体样式 Super Jumbo
Top Species Adirondack Red Spruce
背侧板 AAA Flame Maple
包边 Multiply top and back
Marquetry Checkerboard
音梁 Red Spruce Bracing bonded with Hide Glue
音孔装饰 Double Ring
琴桥 Madagascar Rosewood SJ200 Moustache TM
琴桥镶嵌 Mother of Pearl Double Bars
固弦锥 White
护板 SJ200 w/Flowers and Dots
弦钮 Gold Vintage Keystone
Other Features Other Vintage Style Interior Body Bracings
Case Exterior Brown Vintage
Case Interior Pink
Antique Natural $6,330
Vintage Sunburst $6,330

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