D-41K Purple Martin


The Basics Capturing the beauty of the purple martin, one of the most stunning swallows of North America, this guitar features purple martin-inspired inlay throughout the fingerboard, bridge, and pickguard. Constructed with highly flamed koa back and sides and Adirondack spruce top, these guitars will sing as beautifully as their namesakes. Limited to 50 instruments, with labels signed by C.F. Martin IV.

D-41K Purple Martin 的参数

分类 民谣吉他
型号 D41K Purple Martin
系列 Limited Editions
音梁结构 X Bass Style
弦钮 Gold Open Gear
有效弦长 25.4
拾音器 可选
琴颈连接方式 Dovetail Neck Joint
琴体尺寸 D14 Fret
面板木材 阿迪朗达克云杉木
音孔装饰 Style 45 MultiStripe Large Soundhole
音梁形状 Scalloped
音梁材料 阿迪朗达克云杉木
音梁尺寸 5/16
背板材料 Koa
Back Purfling/Strip Style 45 Golden Era
侧板材料 Koa
底部 Grained Ivoroid
底部镶嵌 MultiStripe
包边 Grained Ivoroid
面板镶嵌材料 Style 41
侧板镶嵌材料 None
背板镶嵌材料 MultiStripe
琴颈材料 Select Hardwood
琴颈形状 Modified Low Oval
Neck Taper High Performance Taper
Plek No
上弦枕材料 Bone
琴头形状 Solid with Square Taper and Diamond
琴头贴面材料 Madagascar Rosewood
Headplate Logo Style
琴踵帽 Grained Ivoroid
指板材料 乌木
Neck Joins Body At 14th Fret
品数 20
上弦枕处指板宽度 1 3/4
Fingerboard Width at 12th Fret 2 1/8
指板镶嵌样式 Purple Martin Theme
指板包边材料 Grained Ivoroid
背侧板漆面 Gloss
Back and Sides Color
漆面面板 Gloss
面板颜色 Aging Toner
漆面琴颈 Gloss
琴桥材料 乌木
琴桥样式 Belly 12 String
Bridge String Spacing 2 3/16
下弦枕 Compensated Bone
Saddle Radius 16
Recommended Strings SP Acoustic 92/8 Phosphor Bronze Medium (MSP4200)
旋钮 Engraved
Bridge Pin Material Bone
固弦锥圆点 Abalone
护板 Black Acrylic
护板镶嵌 Purple Martin
琴箱 Ply Hardshell
Label Signed by CFM IV, Numbered in Sequence with Total (50)

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