000-15M StreetMaster™


Martin Guitar has expanded their popular solid mahogany 15 Series with a respectful nod to the working musician. The 000-15M StreetMaster™ model is built to the same specifications as the 000-15M model but Martin has added a beautifully distressed satin finish. The StreetMaster™ is perfect for your next gig, whether it be at the historic Ryman Theater or a day of busking in the big city. Enjoy the look and feel of a well-worn instrument with the lifetime warranty and the superb playability of a brand new guitar. The 15 Series StreetMaster™ models come with a gig bag making them ready to hit the streets!

000-15M StreetMaster™ 的参数

分类 民谣吉他
型号 00015M StreetMaster™
音梁结构 X Brace
弦钮 Golden Age Relic Nickel
有效弦长 25.4
拾音器 None
琴颈连接方式 Simple Dovetail Neck Joint
琴体尺寸 00014 Fret
面板木材 桃花心木
面板细节 None
音孔装饰 MultiStripe
音梁形状 NonScalloped
音梁材料 西提卡云杉
音梁尺寸 5/16
背板材料 桃花心木
背板细节 None
Back Purfling/Strip None
侧板材料 桃花心木
侧板细节 None
底部 None
底部镶嵌 None
包边 None
面板镶嵌材料 None
侧板镶嵌材料 None
背板镶嵌材料 None
琴颈材料 桃花心木
琴颈形状 Modified Low Oval
Neck Taper Standard Taper
上弦枕材料 Bone
琴头形状 Solid with Square Taper
琴头贴面材料 桃花心木
Headplate Logo Style Script Old Style Overlay
琴头贴面包边材料 None
琴踵帽 None
指板材料 Katalox
Neck Joins Body At 14th Fret
品数 20
上弦枕处指板宽度 1 11/16
Fingerboard Width at 12th Fret 2 1/8
指板镶嵌材料 Abalone
指板镶嵌样式 Diamonds and Squares Short Pattern
指板包边材料 None
侧板音点 Yellow
背侧板漆面 Satin
Back and Sides Color Dark Mahogany
漆面面板 Satin
面板颜色 Mahogany Burst
漆面琴颈 Satin
琴颈颜色 Dark Mahogany
琴桥材料 Katalox
琴桥样式 Modern Belly Drop in Saddle
Bridge String Spacing 2 1/8
下弦枕 Compensated Bone
Saddle Radius 16
Recommended Strings SP Acoustic 92/8 Phosphor Bronze Light (MSP4100)
旋钮 Cream Plastic
Bridge Pin Material 乌木
固弦锥圆点 None
护板 None
护板镶嵌 None
琴箱 Soft Gig Bag
Label None

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