40 Greatest Hits

艺人:Hank Williams

40 Greatest Hits专辑介绍

Hank Williams可谓是乡村摇滚的标志性人物,祖师爷级别,被认为是20世纪最有影响力的音乐人之一。他的名字被许多人遗忘,其实也是因为他去世得太早,1953年,他在事业刚刚进入巅峰期的时候就去世了,当时仅有29岁。这张1978年推出的精选专辑集中收录了他最脍炙人口的40首歌。他的儿子和孙子也都叫Hank Willams,也是优秀的音乐人。
Hank Williams' body of work is so large and has been repackaged so many times in so many forms that the notion of creating a definitive compilation almost seems like an impossible goal. However, as a one-stop shopping place for Hank's basic repertoire, 40 Greatest Hits is as good as it gets. While it doesn't include everything, practically every memorable hit is here, and thankfully every cut appears in its original form (that means in mono, with no string overdubs or artificial duets with his family members). The track sequence subtly reflects the arc of Williams' short but vitally important career, and there's enough good music and great songs here to make a fan of anyone with even a passing interest in American music. If you care about country music, you need some Hank Williams in your collection, and there isn't a better introduction to his rich body of work on the market than 40 Greatest Hits; begin here, then start exploring.


40 Greatest Hits专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 2
