Greatest Hits 1974-1978

艺人:Steve Miller Band

Greatest Hits 1974-1978专辑介绍

Greatest Hits 1974–1978 is a compilation album by the Steve Miller Band released in November 1978. It has sold 13 million copies and is ranked 33rd on the Recording Industry Association of America list of best selling rock albums of all time. A sign of the album-oriented rock times, all but one track came from their last two albums even though they had 11 studio albums at the time. A prior greatest hits album, 1972's Anthology, contained songs from the first five albums. The more comprehensive Young Hearts: Complete Greatest Hits in 2003 added early hits "Living in the U.S.A", "Shubada du Ma Ma", "My Dark Hour", "Cry Cry Cry" and "Space Intro" and later hits "Abracadabra", "Wide River", "Who Do You Love" and "I Want to Make the World Turn Around" but dropped this album's "True Fine Love" and "Winter Time". On the 1978 album, several songs were edited down from their original album length but restored on the 2003 album.


Greatest Hits 1974-1978专辑歌曲

disc 1
