


by Alex Henderson

If a band includes two ex-members of a well-known Norwegian black metal outfit, its albums won't necessarily be black metal-oriented. Item: Zyklon's Disintegrate. Two of the four Scandinavians on this 2005 recording (guitarist/founder Samoth and drummer Trym) are former members of Emperor. But this skullcrushing CD (which is Zyklon's third album) doesn't sound like Emperor, and it is not an album of straight-up black metal. Actually, Disintegrate is more death metal than anything; this release is best described as death metal that incorporates black metal and metalcore elements. Black metal-style blastbeats are incorporated, and the extreme vocals include a deep, guttural death metal-style growl as well as the type of tortured, abrasive screaming that is more characteristic of metalcore and hardcore. Zyklon uses the broad term "extreme metal" to describe their work, which is accurate because death metal, black metal, and metalcore are all part of extreme metal. But whatever terms one uses, Disintegrate is ferocious. Zyklon changes tempos frequently, assaulting and battering the listener at breakneck speed as well as slower speeds. There is some complexity on Disintegrate (whose lineup also includes singer/bassist Secthdamon and guitarist Destructor), but this 45-minute CD is not part of the melodic death metal/symphonic black metal movement; complexity or not, Disintegrate usually operates from a slash-and-burn standpoint. While melodic death metal and symphonic black metal releases go out of their way to make extreme metal less extreme and more accessible to mainstream tastes, Disintegrate is unapologetic in its dense, crushing harshness. Although not a five-star treasure, Disintegrate is a decent and well executed demonstration of Zyklon's take-no-prisoners aesthetic.



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