Hits Back

艺人:The Clash
唱片公司:Sony Music

Hits Back专辑介绍

★收录500大摇滚单曲London Calling,完美旋律的Train in Vain,庞克经典名曲The Guns of Brixton,Know Your Rights,(White Man) in Hammersmith Palais一共32首精彩曲目

The Clash Hits Back features 33 of the bands iconic tracks, across a 2-CD set. The tracklisting is sequenced from the bands legendary Brixton Fairdeal show in 1982 and contains the best studio recordings of the full set, plus 8 additional iconic tracks. It comes with the original setlist, handwritten by Joe Strummer which he would tape to the back of his Telecaster before each gig.

"Every show was different. Joe would spend a lot of time composing the running order, considering dynamics, emotional impact and the key the songs were in. This record is based on Joes setlist from The Casbah Club UK Tour, Brixton Fairdeal, 10th July 1982". -Mick, Paul & Topper.


Hits Back专辑歌曲

disc 1
