Collision Course

艺人:Linkin Park
唱片公司:Warner Bros.

Collision Course专辑介绍

林肯公园 V.S. 嘻哈教父杰斯
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about Mash up…

在2002年,一张由比利时兄弟档DJ组合2 Many DJs(其实两人亦是比利时乐团Soulwax的灵魂人物)主理的DJ-Mix专辑As Heard On Radio Soulwax,势如破竹地称霸Muzik、Jockey Slut等音乐杂志的年度最佳合辑名单,原因在于此作无疑是近年来最天马行空、最能挑战听者想像空间极限的DJ-Mix专辑,将14首风格相互迥异的作品,经过解构再重组而破格地存在同一个DJ Set中,彻底地将DJ-Mix视为创作的一种形式。此外,2 Many DJs/Soulwax在这几年来更运用贯通古今的「旧瓶装新酒」混音模式炮制出不少让人惊艳的Bootleg Remix版本,一连串音乐新激素发酵,于是乎触发了这一两年内跳舞圈中蔚为风尚的「Mash-Up」热潮。

而在2004年7月18日,Linkin Park与明星饶舌歌手Jay-Z于由MTV台策划、在西好莱坞Roxy Theater举办的「Mash Ups」演出上同台合作,因而衍生出这张专辑的出版;所见到,便是Linkin Park与Jay-Z各自脍炙人口的作品如何相互结构融合,擦出全新音乐火花,概念上无疑与2 Many DJs/Soulwax一手引爆的Mash-Up风潮有异曲同工之妙。于是乎,如何挑选歌曲使之得以相互混融配合,便是整张作品的关键所在。

about 【冲击理论】 2种看法

I. "此张专辑中,笔者特别偏爱"Big Pimpin’/Papercut"、"Jigga What/Faint"与"IZZO/In The End"。"Big Pimpin’/Papercut"以Jay-Z作品"Big Pimpin’"原本的Bhangra/Bollywood节奏为主轴贯穿,但Mike Shinoda于"Papercut"中的Rappin’演绎却能恰如其分地融入其中;"Jigga What/Faint"由"Jigga What"的慢板节奏逐步引导后开始加入弦乐剪影,之后踏着Breakbeat Loop完全引爆"Faint"的满点摇滚能量绝对无懈可击! "IZZO/In The End"是另一首特别的作品,重点之一是"IZZO"与"In The End"两者的旋律调性原不相同却能丝丝入扣而来,更让人出奇的是歌曲中Chester的嗓音听来竟能如此Soulful!!! 主唱Chester表示: 「录音过程中最大的挑战,来自于要以Jay-Z的音乐为底来演唱LP的黑暗歌词,因为Jay-Z大部分的作品都明显地比LP快乐得多,也直接使得声音表情与态度出现改变。」这段说法,彷彿便是呼应着"IZZO/In The End"这首作品而来。"

——MCB音乐殖民地/SMART MAX达人杂志乐评 DJ Mykal a.k.a. 林哲仪

II. "在Brooklyn下午的公园裡,年轻的黑人男性穿着鲜艳的球衣,嘴裡嘟嚷着挑衅的言词展开球赛。男孩与同伴们哈拉打发时间,在旁的女孩们则熟练地穿梭跳绳中蹦跳,开心玩乐着。社区裡常办party小有名气的时髦小伙子,三五成群,开着老旧凯迪拉克,廉价重低音传来清楚熟悉的旋律,天生节奏感好的人们,随着Jay Z的Dirt Off Your Shoulder随意耸肩,一片欢愉。公园另一头,带着唱盘扩大机跟电吉他的几个大男孩随着hip hop的节奏,忽然刷起了电吉他,钢弦发出强烈的共振,不但没有阻止音乐进行,反而带high了所有男生女生,你喜欢这种感觉吗?这就是了!


——MTV台VJ 张兆志

(by 博客来)


Collision Course is a CD/DVD set released on November 30, 2004 by rapper Jay-Z and rock band Linkin Park. It went to #1 on the Billboard 200 upon its release. As of August 2009, it has sold 1,934,000 copies in the United States alone. It has sold more than 5 million copies worldwide.

Due to its short time length 21:18 with six tracks in total included on the disc, the release has been identified as an EP. All of the tracks included are mashups combining songs by both artists.

The DVD contains behind-the-scenes new footage of the making of the album, as well as the second take of all of the Collision Course songs at The Roxy Theatre on July 18, 2004. Also included are the five scenes from the concert shown on MTV Ultimate Mash-Ups and a picture gallery.

The first single released from the EP, "Numb/Encore", achieved great airplay on the charts, and stayed on 6 months after its release. "Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer" was also released to the radio in the US, but was never featured on the Billboard Charts - the videos for both that track and "Jigga What/Faint" were also seen on Kerrang! TV in the UK. "Izzo/In the End" was also heavily promoted on the official Linkin Park websites.

It is the second EP ever (after Alice in Chains' Jar of Flies in 1994) to top the Billboard 200, going on to sell over 300,000 copies in its first week.

Mike Shinoda revealed in his 2004 Grammy acceptance speech that he would be mashing up with Jay-Z for a record under MTV's Mash Ups show.

The network allowed Jay-Z to choose a group or artist for the mash-up. Jay contacted Shinoda, who began experimenting with mixing the tracks before sending some examples to him. As a result, Jay-Z began working with Shinoda through email.

The two decided that instead of combining the existing tracks for the live performance on MTV, they wanted to re-work and re-record parts of the songs to make them fit better. Shinoda explains, "Jay and I realized it's better to re-perform the rap vocals if you're gonna do it to a new beat because the vibe changes and you have to deliver your verse a little differently." Shinoda asked his bandmates to re-record instrumental and vocal tracks as well, and ultimately both parties decided they wanted to release the studio tracks. The entire album was put together within four days.

Sometimes, behind-the-scenes audio can be heard within the album, such as Jay-Z saying "You're wasting your talent, Randy!" before "Big Pimpin'/Papercut", or Shinoda saying "This is fun" before "Izzo/In the End".

Collision Course was the first album of Linkin Park that contained a Parental Advisory sticker, since most of Jay-Z's verses contain profanity (although Shinoda and Chester Bennington are also heard swearing in the album). This album was also made in an edited/censored version. Linkin Park wouldn't use profanities themselves until Minutes to Midnight in 2007. However, the clean version of the album left the words "bitch", "hoes", and "ass" unedited, which means that "Izzo/In the End" appears on the clean version the way it appears on the explicit version of the album, no censored words.

A year after the release of Collision Course, Jay-Z was the executive producer on Mike Shinoda's solo effort Fort Minor's The Rising Tied. Also, the song "High Road" from the same record talks about how some critics negatively received Collision Course.

Critics gave mixed reviews to Collision Course. David Jeffries of allmusic praised the album, calling it "awesomely fun". K.B. Tindal of HipHopDX also equally praised the album, saying that the project "will open a passageway for artists who want to dare to be different as well as those who want to work hard to maintain that difference." Steve Juon of RapReviews called the album "an experiment which bodes well since for the most part these two artists compliment each other."

Meanwhile, Raymond Fiore of Entertainment Weekly, gave a negative review of the album, saying that the pairing of Linkin Park and Jay-Z "comes off like a sanitized nonevent." (wiki)


by David Jeffries

Mash-ups -- two songs stuck together that were never meant to be stuck together -- have their roots in the bedrooms and basements of computer-savvy music geeks who spend countless hours sticking Christina Aguilera's vocals over the Strokes' chugging backbeat or Missy Elliott's raps over George Michael, Joy Division, the Cure, and about a thousand others. MP3s were the medium of choice, white-label 12"s a distant second. It seemed like it was time to put a fork in the pranky genre when collections like The Best Bootlegs in the World Ever and Soulwax's As Heard on Radio Soulwax series exposed the mash-up to a wider audience, but then Danger Mouse came along. His headline-making Grey Album -- Jay-Z's Black Album vs. the Beatles' White Album -- inspired a ton of spirited imitations, and most likely the MTV-spawned, artists-involved Collision Course. The fact that the artists are involved with the project totally goes against the mash-up philosophy, but luckily Linkin Park -- who are revealed through the DVD as the main architects of the EP -- have that pop-loving prankster spirit and don't let their high-profile, well-funded life ruin it. The liner notes talk of a "once-in-a-lifetime performance" and "music history," but Collision Course is just plain old fun and all the better because of it. Jay-Z's "Dirt Off Your Shoulder" sits nicely on top of Linkin Park's "Lying from You" on the CD's studio version, but it's the fist-pumping live version on the DVD that really justifies Collision Course's existence. The Z-man -- who's "retired" from the rap game while being busier than ever -- has had his excellent "99 Problems" rocked up before, so the version here with Linkin Park's "Points of Authority" and "One Step Closer" isn't so much the revelation the liner-note hyperbole makes it out to be, but it's got an awesome beat and you can still dance to it. If the CD were released on its own, the collection wouldn't be as exciting. Linkin Park's genuine excitement about the project on the "behind the scenes" segment of the DVD is infectious, and watching the furious and fast teaming of "Jigga What/Faint" teeter on the edge of falling apart is gripping. Check the DVD first, and then throw the CD in the car for when you feel half-mack, half-punk. It's doubtful mash-ups will survive corporate handling this well again, and to paraphrase a post-show Linkin Parker, Collision Course is awesomely fun.


Collision Course专辑歌曲

disc 1
