Black Clouds & Silver Linings(Deluxe Collector's Edition)(Deluxe Collector's Edition)

艺人:Dream Theater
唱片公司:Roadrunner Records

Black Clouds & Silver Linings(Deluxe Collector's Edition)专辑介绍

梦剧院将于09年发行新专辑的消息早已泛滥于各大媒体杂志,如今被提前泄露,不知他们是该喜还是忧,但对于我们来说大可大呼过瘾并享受之,毕竟咱们也“前卫”一把,Black Clouds & Silver Linings,可谓传承了Dream Theater一贯高水准的制作工艺:复杂加精准的乐章,旋律加恢宏的弦乐,霸气加迷幻的演绎,A Nightmare to Remember中悸动人心的吉他Riff让我忍不住的反复聆听,郁闷手中的原声不能当电的使,急缓有素的多变指法让人惊叹不已,都说Kevin演唱时是在宣泄感情,一点也不假,前些日子我一直在听一些80年代的死亡金属,说实话感觉像快要与“旋律”两个字脱节了,还好有梦剧院的缓冲足够让我找到感觉。

Black Clouds & Silver Linings is the tenth studio album of the progressive metal band Dream Theater. It is scheduled to be released through Roadrunner Records on June 23, 2009. Drummer Mike Portnoy and guitarist John Petrucci produced the album, while Paul Northfield returned from 2007's Systematic Chaos as mixer. The album will be released as a single CD, 3-disc Special Edition with instrumental mixes and cover songs, double vinyl LP, as well as a Deluxe Collector's Edition Box Set. The cover songs will be revealed—one per week—during the six week period prior to the album's release, beginning on May 19


Black Clouds & Silver Linings(Deluxe Collector's Edition)专辑歌曲

disc 1
