Songs from a Secret Garden

艺人:Secret Garden

Songs from a Secret Garden专辑介绍

1995年,首张唱片《神秘园之歌》面世,这张由宝丽金挪威公司制作,在菲利普厂牌下发行的唱片一经推出即获得空前成功。截止97年底唱片已发行超过65万张并登上美国biilbod音乐排行榜达一年之久.这张专辑风格比较统一,乐曲舒缓柔美,充满了思忆与郁忧,不经意之间流露出些许的忧愁,令人不得不沉醉于其中。其中的《田园》Nocturne)一曲是乐队的成名作,曾获95年欧洲歌唱大赛冠军。《来自神秘园的歌》(Song From A Secret Garden)在组建乐队前就在挪威发表并流行。

Secret Garden is Norwegian composer Rolf Loveland (piano, keyboards) and Irish violinist Fionnula Sherry. The album, however, offers much more than this duo; it is awash in orchestral strings (real ones), a choir (real one), and as many percussionists, harps, fiddles, keyboards, and whistles as are needed. Songs from a Secret Garden, a chart-topper in Europe, is unabashedly romantic, absolutely gorgeous. "Sigma," featuring boy soprano Rhonan Sugrue and the Irish National Choir, is very pensive, like dried flowers left, an expected return disappointed. The lyrics begin, "I search for the sign that will set my soul free." Although Celtic music fans will find many moments of bittersweet nostalgia between the violin, pipes, and pennywhistles, the album's closest musical relation might just be the intimate works of Maurice Ravel, particularly his "Pavanne for a Dead Princess." Romantic themes of true depth, played full out. Secret Garden is not afraid of tenderness nor beauty.


Songs from a Secret Garden专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 1
