The Gates Of Gnomeria

艺人:Andy McKee

The Gates Of Gnomeria专辑介绍

这张专辑所收录的曲目全都是Andy McKee的原创,以及两首经典的改编作品。Andy McKee改编了着名女歌手Björk的经典名作”Venus as a Boy”。另外,专辑中收录的”A Sphere”以及”Dependant Arising”,特别邀请到了贝斯手Jeff Schmidt合作。比起Andy McKee的上一张专辑Art of Motion,这张专辑的氛围令人完全自在的放鬆,同时我们也能感受到Andy在音乐上试着追求更高层次,并传递了更宏大的理念。

The Gates of Gnomeria, released September 10, 2007, is Andy McKee's fourth studio album. This album features six new tracks, two of which ("I'll Be Over You" and "Venus as a Girl") are covers. "7-14," "A Sphere," "Ouray," "All Laid Back and Stuff" and "She" were all first seen on Andy's independent debut, Nocturne, which is out of print; these versions are vastly superior in terms of recording quality to their 2001 incarnations. The album's title track was leaked months beforehand and re-uploaded in promotion for the album. Jeff Schmidt is listed as an accompanying artist on "A Sphere" and "Dependant Arising."


The Gates Of Gnomeria专辑歌曲

disc 1
disc 1
