




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:No Attention

    标签: 总谱



    作曲:Chris Cornell


    指示:tempo change at 132. send bass to redsox@iol.ie

    节拍: ♩ = 204

    注释:slide upslide upslide upslide upslide upslide upwith wah as filterwah offslide upslide upslide upslide upslide upslide upwith wah as filterwah offhand slideshand slideshand slideshand slideshand slideshand-slides upwardsslide down and uphand slidesslide down and uphand slidesslide down and uphand slidesslide down and uphand slidesslide down and uphand slidesslide down and uphand slidesslide down and uphand slidesslide down and uphand slideswith wah as filterhand slideswah offhand slideshand slideshand slideshand slideshand slideshand slidespick slidesslower tempo=126slide upslide upslide upslide upslide upslide upleave ringing, grad. let fdbk and fadefree timefeedbackin time, bass and drumsslide upplay ad lib on recallslide upslide upslide upslide upslide upwith wah as filterhand slideswah offslide upslide upslide upslide upslide upslide upwith wah as filterhammer onslide down, wah offhand slideshand slideshand slideshand slideshand slideswith feedback ad lib till bar 94with wah as filterwah offhand slideshand slideshand slideshand slideshand slideshand slidesfeedbackslower tempo=126slide upslide upslide upslide upslide upslide upleave ringingleave ringing, grad. let fdbk and fadefree timefeedbackin time, bass and drumswith octaver (doubles an octave above)octaver offslide downslide downslide downslide downslide downtremolo tripletfree time
    歌曲: No Attention
    I've got war on my mind blood on my hands
    And love on my head
    So open your hands open your mouth
    Let it be said
    You know I've got it mad in my mind
    Don't waste my time it's not going to change
    So say what you want spit it out loud
    Into my face

    And I'll pay no attention
    No attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention

    They're gonna tell you where to walk
    When to smile and just what to say
    They say have your own fun
    Make your own mind
    And don't make no waves
    But if you got a handful of change
    Don't throw it away it's gonna come
    So say what you want, suck all my
    Suck on my brain

    And I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    No attention
    No attention
    No attention
    No attention
    No attention

    No attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    No attention
    I'll pay no attention
    No attention
    I'll pay no attention
    No attention
    No attention
    No attention
    No attention
    No attention
    No attention
    No attention

    They're gonna tell you where to walk
    When to smile and just what to say
    They say have your own fun
    Make your own mind
    And don't make no waves
    But if you got a handful of change
    Don't throw it away it's gonna come
    So say what you want, suck all my
    Suck on my brain

    And I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
    I'll pay no attention
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