


  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Temple of Decay


    专辑:Serpent Sermon

    This is very simplified. It's about 100% correct. I didn't 
    both messing with the tempos out of laziness. 
    Any other questions or concerns or if you would like to 
    add on to this tab, e-mail me at zkahvt@hotmail. Credit 
    will be given to those who submit accurate entries.

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 120

    注释:Press F5
    Hills will be deaf 
    And mountains will not hear
    There be no caves
    No corners there
    To shade your souls from the fire
    To shield your hearts from fear

    His wrath is upon us
    The Flames draw near

    And evermore shall you kneel
    Before the Altar of Death
    Forever damned to the Temple
    ...Of Decay

    The skies shall explode
    And the air itself ignite
    But the flames thereof
    Shall bring no light
    To lead you out from the darkness
    Of this unceasing Night

    His wrath is upon us
    And Death we invite

    And evermore shall you kneel
    Before the Altar of Death
    Forever damned to the Temple
    ...Of Decay

    And evermore shall you kneel
    Before the Altar of Death
    Forever damned to the Temple
    ...Of Decay
  • 相关吉他谱
  • winight