标题:Seven Days In Sunny June
副标题:Words and Music by Matthew Richard Johnson and Jason Kay
I'm really sorry about the piano part. It's a ******** shit!!!!
If anybody wants a separated score for the piano
please e-mail or send my a PM and I will send it.
♩ = 105
和弦:Bm7 F#m7 Fmaj7 Gmaj7 Amaj7 D7sus4(add9)
注释:Wave SynthetizerCellosWave Synthetizerw/overdrivew/distortion & wahShakerMaracasShakerShaker
The peb-bles you've ar- ranged in the sand, they're strange.
They speak to me like con- stel-la-tions as we lie here.
There's a ma-gic I can hold, your smile of ho-ney gold.
And that you ne-ver seem to be in short sup-ply of.
Ooh, so ba-by let's get it on.
Drin-king wine and kil-ling time,
Sit-ting in the sum- mer sun.
You know I've wan-ted you so long.
Why d'you have to drop that bomb on me?
La-zy days, cra-zy dolls.
You said we'd been friends too long.
Se-ven days in sun-ny June were long e-nough to bloom
the flo-wers on the sum-mer dress you wore in spring.
The way you laughed as one, and then you dropped the bomb,
that I'd known you too long for us to have a thing.
Ooh, so ba-by let's get it on.
Drin-king wine and kil-ling time,
Sit-ting in the sum- mer sun.
You know I've wan-ted you so long.
Why d'you have to drop that bomb on
Ooh, so ba-by let's get it on.
Drin-king wine and kil-ling time,
Sit-ting in the sum- mer sun.
You know I've wan-ted you so long.
Why d'you have to drop that bomb on me?
Could it be this?
The sto-ries in your eyes tell of si-lent wings you fly a-way on.
Se-ven days in sun-ny June were long e-nough to bloom
flo-wers on that sun- beam dress you wore in spring, yeah yeah.
The way you lau-ghed as one.
Why did you drop that bomb on me?
Ooh, so ba-by let's get it on.
Drin-king wine and kil-ling time,
Sit-ting in the sum- mer sun.
You know I've wan-ted you so long.
Why d'you have to drop that bomb on me?
The ho-ney su-ckle bless-ings seem to show me.
Could it be this?
For se-ven days in June I was-n't lone- ly.
Could it be this?
You ne-ver gave me time to say I love you.
Could it be this?
I know you don't be-lieve me but it's so true.
Don't walk a-way from me girl.
I read the sto-ries in your eyes.
Don't you walk a-way from me.
I read the sto-ries in your eyes.
And you've been tel-ling me we've been friends for too long.
I think I love you.
I think I love you.