




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:What's next to the moon



    作词:Scott, Young, Young

    作曲:A & M Young

    制谱人:panter (Thanks MAROCAIN2)

    指示:Corrections & votes are welcom of course !

          Infos :       The Powerage Album : 
    Released 1978 on Albert Productions.
    Recorded at Albert Studios, Sydney.
    Running Order
    Side One
    1. Rock 慛 Roll Damnation
    2. Down Payment Blues
    3. Gimmie A Bullet
    4. Riff Raff
    Side Two
    5. Sin City
    6. Next To The Moon
    7. Gone Shootin
    8. Up To My Neck In You
    9. Kicked In The Teeth
    All songs written by Malcolm Young, Bon Scott and 
    Angus Young.
    AC/DC抯 fifth album Powerage is a 憈our de force of 
    1970抯 fun and raucous guitar noise making. Released 
    in 1978, Powerage finds the group at their strongest 
    and most cocky. Bon Scott抯 lyrics and vocals are 
    confident and witty, his delivery is one of a singer who 
    has found his place in the world. The Young brothers 
    guitar work is dynamic  Malcolm never tiring of 
    pumping out those rhythms, Angus expanding on his 
    trademark licks. Both guitarists are still hanging on to 
    their blues roots at this stage  one reason why this 
    album is a joy to listen to. New bassist Cliff Williams is 
    now settled in after his 揕et There Be Rock 
    introduction, while Phil Rudd is as tight as always.
    Productionwise this is classic 70抯 AC/DC. Raw guitars 
    flail away without the multi-tracking extravaganzas of 
    future albums, while the bass is always there peeking 
    through. It always sounded a bit more honest to me. 
    The backup vocals  as on all the early albums  sound 
    like a bunch of evil pixies hiding behind the amplifiers. 
    Producers Harry Vanda and George Young are 
    masters of pulling exciting performances out of bands 
    in the studio. Virtually anyone who was anyone in the 
    rock world in Australia in the 1970抯 felt the touch of 
    Vanda and Young who were members of legendary 
    Australian band The Easybeats. Engineer Mark Opitz 
    later went on to produce major acts like, Inxs, Divinyls, 
    Hoodoo Gurus and Cold Chisel.
    Opening Powerage is the magnificent Rock 慛 Roll 
    Damnation  a song that says so much about AC/DC. 
    Based on a fairly standard blues riff played straight, the 
    song rocks along with great momentum. The sassy 
    vocals show plenty of cheek 揑抳e been waiting all 
    night for a bite of what you got (1:45), and by the time 
    Angus Young shows up at 2:50 with some red hot tube 
    amp grooving you抣l be moving in your seat! 
    Down Payment Blues has one of those great 揳in抰 got 
    no money type lyrics that only a vocalist with the 
    honesty of someone like Bon Scott can pull off 
    properly. A moody song that never really releases you 
    from it抯 grip of tension, Down Payment Blues is in no 
    hurry to get on with the story  but somehow you don抰 
    mind the wait. When Bon Scott sings 揷an抰 even feed 
    my cat a knowing and rueful smile will creep across 
    your face, and when he delivers the line 揹own 
    payment blues at 4:57 you will understand why singers 
    like Scott are so hard to come by. No matter how well 
    Brian Johnson can belt out a tune, he will never match 
    the character of Scott in that one line. Release is 
    granted at the end of the song with a great traditional 
    blues chaser.
    Next up is Gimmie A Bullet. Featuring a playful bass in 
    the chorus and an insistent beat, this song borders on 
    boogie and is a lot of fun. Again featuring Bon Scott抯 
    unique lyric style (揼immie a bullet to bite on, something 
    to chew? and illustrating his effortless nonchalance, 
    Gimmie A Bullet is about as close to a dance song that 
    AC/DC has written.
    Continuing the momentum the first side of Powerage 
    concludes with Riff Raff, a blistering and blues 
    drenched number with an irresistible riff. This song 
    literally explodes out of your speakers. It doesn抰 matter 
    that the lyrics are fairly standard 揹on抰 mess with me 
    fare, the delivery and red hot guitars more than make 
    up for it. Angus Young抯 first solo here is wild and 
    masterfully mad. By the time he rips in at 3:36 your 
    speakers will be literally melting (and if not, you haven抰 
    got it turned up loud enough) so hook up a new set 
    and get set for side two!
    After such a frantic side one, there must be some 
    come down. Sin City doesn抰 try to compete in the 
    outright power steaks, but instead offers a more 
    relaxed pace. This is the type of song that AC/DC 
    were attempting to emulate on Ball Breaker with less 
    success. You can just about hear the live room in 
    Angus Young抯 solo  it抯 that kind of sonic difference 
    that is missing from so many rock recordings these 
    Next To The Moon starts out all moody and 
    threatening but never really gets anywhere. Not a dud 
    as such, but probably the least successful song on the 
    Gone Shootin features some nifty work in the main riff 
    with both guitars working well together at different 
    ends of the chord - Malcolm going low and Angus 
    going high. Mid paced and fun, Gone Shootin leads 
    into the double assault of the album抯 conclusion.
    Up To My Neck In You sets us up nicely with a great 
    70抯 style rock riff and wailing lead vocal. This is 
    another in a long line of songs that can only be pulled 
    off by a singer with the character of Bon Scott. 
    Ending Powerage is Kicked In The Teeth  a blues 
    song in spirit, the opening cry of pain and betrayal is 
    just great. The band launch into the main riff (which 
    has a rather worrying similarity to Let There Be Rock) 
    and we抮e off on a ride of hurt and hate! 
    So why is this album essential? It抯 a lesson in how to 
    set up a track order of songs to the greatest effect. 
    From the get go the album hits the ground running and 
    never really loses pace. The songs are also of a 
    consistent high quality with lots of tasty guitar work to 
    be going on with. Production wise it抯 a masterpiece of 
    getting a band into the studio and letting them rip  
    although admittedly it could probably do with a slight 
    remaster to round up the bottom end a little for today抯 

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 140

    注释:I can't tab this part (1:52) too hard !!
    Well I tied my baby to the railroad track
    Cannonball down the line
    Giving that woman just a one more chance
    To give it to me one more time
    Engineer wishing he was home in bed
    Dreaming about Casey Jones
    Wide-eyed woman lookin' a mile ahead
    Thinking about broken bones

    It's her love that I want
    It's her love that I need
    It's her love got to have
    It's her love

    Heavenly body flying across the sky
    Superman was out of town
    Come on honey, gotta change your tune
    Cause it's a long way down
    Clark Kent looking for a free ride
    Thinking about Lois Lane
    It's a bird, it's a plane, it's – a suicide
    And that'd be a shame

    It's her love that I want
    It's her love that I need
    It's her love got to have
    It's her love

    Long Arm looking for a fingerprint
    Trying to find the mystery clue
    Hitting me with the third degree
    Working on a thumb screw
    Alright, officer, I confess
    Everything's coming back
    I didn't mean to hurt that woman of mine
    It was a heart attack

    It's her love that I want
    It's her love that I need
    It's her love got to have
    It's her love

    What's next to the moon?
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