




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Under The Sun

    艺人:Black Sabbath

    专辑:Black Sabbath Vol.4

    节拍: Slowly ♩ = 45

    标记:IntroMain RiffVerse IVerse IIEverday...Verse IIIVerse IVSoloVerse VSolo IIOutro

    Well, I don't want no Je sus freak to tell me what it's all _ a bout, No black ma gi cian tell ing me to cut my soul out, Don't be lieve in vi o lence; I don't ev en be lieve _ in peace _ _ I've open ed the door _ now my mind's been _ re leased _ _ Well, I don't want no preach er tell ing me a bout the god in the sky, No, I don't want no one to tell me where I'm gon na go when I die I wan na live my life I don't want peop le tell ing me what to do _ _ I just be lieve in my self _ cuz no one else _ is true _ _ Eve ry day just comes and goes _ Life is one long ov er dose _ Peo ple drive to ru in a tion I can see through their fru strat ion Peo ple hid ing their real faces, each one runn ing their rat race s Be hind each flow er there grows a weed _ in their world of make be lieve _ So be lieve what I tell you; it's the on ly way you'll find in the end Just be lieve in yer self you know you real ly should n't have to pre tend Don't let those emp ty peo ple try and in ter fere _ with your mind _ _ Just live your life _ and leave them all _ be hind _ _

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