




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:It Follows From Your Heart

    艺人:The Outlaws



    作曲:Billy Jones

    制谱人:Duane Baldwin

    节拍: Slowly ♩ = 66


    Gone are the lov-ers that died of a brok-en heart and gone are the oth-ers that lost right fr-om the start but I'm free lord I'm fr-ee and I'm bet-ter off than th-em for I'm off to taste the love that's pas-sed my w-a-y There's a church on the cor-ner his house or so they say Lord they tith-eth eve-ry Sun-day giv-in' in for the sin's next da-y you good peo-ple say that I'm a twis-ted man and that I don't know right from wrong but I know my God and I know my Fat-her's Call How can you let your prob-lems keep you down un-der? when you know the an-swer right from the sta-rt take a look a-round in a-ny di-rect-ion it fol-lows from your heart Gone is the sad-ness ly-in' in a bro-ken heart and gone is the mad-ness that lines it-self in pa-rt but I'm free Lord I'm fr-ee and I know my-self at la-st and it's yours to learn be-fore the fu-ture's passed How can you let your prob-lems keep you down un-der? when you know the an-swer right from the sta-rt take one good look a-round the an-swer's no won-der 'cause it fol-lows from your he-art Gone is the sad-ness that li-es in a bro-ken heart and gone is the mad-ness that lines its self in pa-rt well I'm sat-is-fied in lov-in' Lord I know my-self at la-st and it's yours to learn be-fore the fu-ture's pa-ss-ed

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