I apologize for the track colors. I took the colors of the
album artwork. And that's not really beautiful on GP.
Moderate ♩ = 139
注释:YouE - xi - istAndYou're AFriend OfMi -ineYou're A - li - iveIt'sNotTheEndOfTheLi - ineCy -ni -calTheGe - ne - ra - tionsWereA - ban - donedHereNo LifeIsE - verFairWhen The Me - cha -ni - calFiresAreRa - gingThe Re - vo - lu - tion'sHereI CanBreathe A - gainIChoose To Ne - ver LetGoOrLoseCon - trolSeeThrough The Sights Of A Ri - fleLiveThrough The EyesOfA ChildWalkThrough The Mind Of A Mi -norToEx - tolIMustChange'cause I've BeenCha - singSha - dowsI - mmersed In The NightDe - sperate AndTa - kenRunWithThePrideOfA Li - onYouE - xi - istAndYou're AFriend OfMi -ineYou're A - li - iveIt'sNotTheEndOfTheLi - ineI'mAFai - lureI'!TheWre - ckageInTheStormI'mEn - li - ghtenedUn - a - fraid I AmRe - bornCy -ni -calTheGe - ne - ra - tionsWereA - ban - donedHereNo LifeIsE - verFairWhen The Me - cha -ni - calFiresAreRa - gingThe Re - vo - lu - tion'sHereYouE - xi - istWillWeE - verLiveInHa - rmo - ny ?WillWeE - verLearn ?TheGe - ne - ra - tionsWereA - ban - donedWhen The Me - cha - ni - calFiresAreRa - gingHereChangeChangeYouE - xi - istWillWeE - verLiveInHa - rmo - ny ?WillWeE - verLearn ?InTheStormIAmRe - bornTheGe - ne - ra - tionsWereA - ban - donedWhen The Me - cha - ni - calFiresAreRa - gingHereWillWeE - verLiveInHa - rmo - ny ?WillWeE - verLearn ?ChangeChangeWillWeE - verLiveInHa - rmo - ny ?WillWeE - verLearn ?