作词:Oliva, Oliva
This should be a fairly solid and accurate transcription of Criss Oliva's main rhythm guitar part. The mixes for this album make it difficult to make out all of his fills, but I've done my best to add those I could pick out. I chose not to transcribe the guitar solo for several reasons. First of all, it's not one of Criss Oliva's better or memorable solos. The first half is simply vibrato bar trickery, while the final section has him cramming in a lot of squirrely runs for "flash's sake". (No dispect intended towards Criss here, as I usually adore his lead playing. He was still very much honing his style here in 1983.) If I were to perform this song myself, I would almost certainly improvise a more coherent guitar solo for this song. It's also quite hard to hear everything he is playing and it would be almost masochistic to try and write this out. If you think YOU can do better, be my guest! --Robbit
[High hat intro for 2 measures][Kick drum enters]RIFF ARIFF B (Played twice with drums only)BASS RE-ENTERSRIFF CV1: What will 2000 bring?The war of a billion thingsWhen darkness seizes the lordsand darkness sends his judgment sword.RIFF BRIFF Cstart the destruction wheels.Vibrato bar dived slowly and back upwardsA scream of terror through the nightRIFF B (CHORUS SECTION)HolocaustFinal lossHOLOCAUST!RIFF D (BRIDGE)What willthe end bringto my life?Are you poisoned by?Are?Are you for the night?Note: This is an approximation. (Actual fill is difficult to hear.)Areyoubythenight?RIFF BSIREN SOUNDS SLOWLY FADE INRIFF AGUITAR SOLO (Begins with several bars of a slowly ascending note with wide vibrato bar effects]GUITAR SOLOMAIN SOLO NOT TRANSCRIBED (See Score Information for more comments)RIFF B (Guitar Solo continues)RIFF C - VERSE 3V3: Listen to what I sayWe are coming upon the dayWhen toxic gas fills the airand life on earth can't be found anywhere.RIFF DV4: You runbut where can you hide?From the shelters I hear you cry.The bombs bursting in airGod help me I'm so scared.RIFF BHOLOCAUST!RIFF DWhat willthe end bringAre you poisoned by?INAUDIBLE FILL (One measure)SOUND EFFECTS CONTINUE FOR 18 SECONDS AFTER GUITAR FADES