




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Song For You

    艺人:Alexi Murdoch

    节拍: ♩ = 320

    歌曲: Song For You

    Song For You - Alexi Murdoch
    Song For You
    Alexi Murdoch
    So today I wrote a song for you 在今天 我为你写了首歌
    Cause a day can get so long 我感觉 一天是如此漫长
    And I know its hard to make it through 我知道 我会倍感煎熬
    When you say theres something wrong 当你说 有事让你沮丧

    So Im trying to put it right 于是我 尝试着理清头绪
    Cause I want to love you with my heart 我只想 全身心把你接纳
    All this trying has made me tight 这努力 让我心乱如麻
    And I dont know even where to start 都不知道 从哪开始表达
    Maybe thats a start 也许这就算开始吧

    For you know its a simple game 你欺骗自己十分简单
    That you play filling up your head with rain 酒不醉人 人却自醉
    And you know you’ve been hiding from your pain 逃避痛苦 麻痹内心
    In the way, in the way you say your name 置身事外 远离是非

    And I see you 我却见你
    Hiding your face in your hands 用面具把自己隐瞒
    Flying so you won’t land 不动感情 就无需留恋
    You think no one understands 你以为无人理解
    No one understands 无人看穿

    So you hunch your shoulders and you shake your head 你摇头耸肩 假装开怀
    And your throat is aching but you swear 声已哽咽 却微笑感慨
    No one hurts you, nothing could be sad 你不会受伤 不会悲哀
    Anyway you’re not here enough to care 可你不去用心 又怎么去爱

    And you’re so tired you dont sleep at night 心已疲惫 无眠到天白
    As your heart is trying to mend 用时间把痛苦掩埋
    You keep it quiet but you think you might 故作镇静 却无力坚持
    Disappear before the end 直到最后 提前离开

    And its strange how you cannot find 我想不明白
    Any strength to even try 你都无力
    To find a voice to speak your mind 向我敞开心怀
    When you do, all you wanna do is cry 想要开口 却哭了出来
    Maybe you should cry 或许你就该哭个痛快

    And I see you hiding your face in your hands 眼前的你 以手掩面
    Talking bout far-away lands 人在此处 心在天外
    You think no one understands 你以为无人看穿
    Listen to my hands 听我以曲代言

    And all of this life 生命之河
    Moves around you 匆匆流过
    For all that you claim 你说只是
    Youre standing still 船上看客
    You are moving too 其实 你也在漂泊
    You are moving too 你也在漂泊
    You are moving too 你也在漂泊
    I will move you 让我随你漂泊
    by-63, 翻译ace_u
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