I put the 2nd rhythm Guitar and lead guitar on one
track (nothing important got lost...)
I'm not quite sure about the 2nd D chord in the bridge..
♩ = 162
注释:AGEAGEhammer on fret 2 and slide to 3..hammer on fret 2 and slide to 3..AGEADGhammer on fret 2 and slide to 3..Ohhh....The middle of the roadis tryin' tofind meI'mstanding in the middle of lifewith my plans behindmeWell I got a smilefor everyone I meetAslong as you don't trydragging my bayordropping the bomb on my streetNow come on ba -byGet in the roadcome on nowInthemiddle of the road, yeahOhhh...In the middle of the roadyou see the darndest thingslikefat guys drivin' round in jeepsthrough the city wearingbig diamond rings and silksuitsPastcorrugated tin shacksfull up with kids oh man Idon't mean a hampsteadnurseryWhen youown a big chunk of thebloody third worldthebabies just come with the scene -ryOh come on by -get in the roadcome on nowInthemiddle of the road, yeahonetwothreewhat the hell comes after three???Ohhh....The middle of the roadis no private cul -de - sacIcan't get from thecab to the curb withoutsome little jerk on my backDon't harass me, can't you tell I'mgoing home I'm tired as hell I'mnot the cat I used to be Igot a kid, I'm thirty-three ba -byget in the roadcome on nowinthemiddle of the road yeahw/moderate distortionADGD (?)sorry, not a harp player...