标题:Turn the Page
♩ = 74
注释:1)On along and lone - some high - way,east of O - ma - ha,you canlis - ten ot the en - gine, moan - in' out____________ his one - note song.Youthink a - bout the wom - an,or thegirl you knew the night____ be - fore.___________But yourthoughts will soon be wan - d'rin',theway they al - ways do.__ When you'rerid-in' six-teen ho - urs, there'snoth-in' much to do.And youdon't feel much like rid - in',you justwish the trip__ was through.________________________Here I am,________________on theroad a-gain.__There I am,____________up on_______the satge.__Here I go,_________________play-in' star________a - gain.____There I go,_________turn the page._____________2)As wewalk in - to this res - tau - rant,__allstrung out____ from the road.___and youfeel the eyes__ up-on__ youas you'resha-in' off the cold,_________you pre - tendit does - n't both-er you,but youjust want to ex - plode.__________________________Yeah, mosttimes you can't hear 'em talk, other times__ you can._________ All thesame old cliches___________ "Is itwoman, is it man?"___ And youalways seam out-num-bered,youdon't dare make a stand.___________Make_your stand____________________ Oh, here I am,______________on theroad a-gain.___There I am.____________up on________the stage.___Here I go,_______________________I'm playin' star_______again.____There I go,________turn the page._____________________Woh,___ oh. 3)Out there in the spot - light,you're amillion miles___ a - way.____________Ev-'ryounce of en-er - gyyoutry and give a - way___________ as thesweat pours out your bod-y,like themusic that___ you play._________________________________________________Later in___ the eve - ning,as youlie a - wake in bedwith the echoes of the am - pli - fi - ersringin' in your head,__ you smoke the day's__ last cig-a-rettere - mem-b'rin' what she said,___________________ what___ she saidYeah,__ here I am,_________on theroad_ a - gain.___There I am_______________________up on___________the stage.__Here I go,_______________________playin' star_____ a - gain,______Yeah, there I go,__________turn the page,___________ Yeah, there I go,________turn that page.____________There I go,______________yeah,______yeah,There_ I__ go,_______________yeah,_yeah._________There I go,___________yeah.Here I go,__________________yeah.There I go,_____________woh,_______woh. There I___ go.____________I'm gone.