标题:Life Party
标签: 总谱
专辑:Together Through Time
Have you ev-er thought Of our place in the stars? How lu-cky we ar-re ooh Have you ev-er thought Of the sheer im-prob- a-bil-i-ty That you were born? That I ex- ist? That we can ev-en ques- tion thi - -is? How a-ma-zing it is that we are a-live On this ti-ny lit-tle rock is where we all re-side There's a mill-ion, bill-ion, trill-ion stars up in the sky But here we are Please join me, ba- a- by And you will see We can be hap-py on this life jour-ney Now let me tell you how Just get to-geth- er Take it from me, oh yeah Life is a par- ty It-'ll set you free and you will soon a-gree That e-ven when it's tough We can make it bet-ter And inn our life We wi-ill all face pain and strife But push on through and keep your head up high So lis-ten to this les-son now its not too late Life is far too short and tough to live it filled with hate If we tried to un-der-stand each oth-er we'd do great It's not so ha-a-rd Please join me, ba-a-by And you will see We can be hap-py on this life jour-ney Now let me tell you how Just get to-geth -er Take it from me, oh ye- ah Life is a par- ty It-'ll set you free and you will soon a-gree That ev-en when it's tough We can make it bet-ter Ev-'ry-one is in-vi- ted To the life par- ty Had e-nough of figh- tin' We are gon-na pa-rty ev-er-y night and da-a-ay How a-maz-ing is it we are a-live The un-like-li-hood of all of it can't be de- nied It's a mi-ra-cle this thing we have, you re-al- ize That's why I'm beg-ging you to treat it like a Life par -ty Life par -ty, yeah Life Par -ty, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh