标题:Ultimate Showdown
标签: 总谱
艺人:Lemon Demon
专辑:The Fump, Vol. 22: July - August 2010
制谱人:Tijmen Zwaan
节拍: Moderate ♩ = 113
Old God- zil- la was hop- ping a- round in To- ky- o ci- ty like a big play- ground When sud- den- ly Bat- man burst from the shade - And hit God- zil- la with a bat- gre- nade. - God- zil- la got pissed and be- gan to at- tack, - but he did- n't ex- pect to be blocked by - Shaq, Who pro- cee- ded to o- pen up a can of Shaq- fu, when Aa- ron - Car- - ter came out of the blue And he star- ted bea- ting up Sha- quille O- - neil - Then they both got flat- tened by the bat- mo- bile but be- fore they could make it back to the bat- cave A- bra- ham Lin- coln popped out of his grave. And took an A- k for- ty- se- ven out from un- der his hat - Blew Bat- man a- way with a rat- a- tat- tat but he ran out of bul- lets and he ran a- way, - be- cause Op- ti- mus Prime came to save the day. This is the ul- ti- mate show- - down of ul- ti- mate des- ti- ny - Good guys bad guys and ex- plo- - sions As far as the eye - can - see - And on- ly one wil sur- vive - I won- der who it will be - This is the ul- ti- mate show- - down of ul- ti- mate des- ti- ny - God- zil- la took a bite out of Op- ti- mus Prime - Like Scruff Mc- Gruff - took a bite out of crime. And then Shaq came back co- vered in a ti- re track But Jack- ie Chan jumped out and land- ed on his back. And Bat- man was in- jured and try- ing to get stea- dy While A- bra- ham Lin- coln came back - with a ma- che- te But sud- den- ly some- thing caught his leg and he tripped In- di- a- na Jones took him out with his whip. - Then he saw God- zil- la snea- king up from be- hind And he reached for his gun which he just could- n't find 'Cause Bat- man stole it and he shot and he missed And Jack- ie Chan de- flec- ted it with his fist Then he jumped in the air and he did a so- mer- sault While A- bra- ham Lin- coln tried to pole vault On- to Op- ti- mus Prime, but they col- li- ded in the air Then they both got hit by a Care- bear stare. - This is the ul- ti- mate show- - down of ul- ti- mate des- ti- ny - Good guys bad guys and ex- plo- - sions As far as the eye - can - see - And on- ly one wil sur- vive - I won- der who it will be - This is the ul- ti- mate show- - down Ang- els sang out in im- ma- cu- late cho- rus Down from the hea- vens De- scen- ded Chuck Nor- ris Who de- li- vered a kick which could shat- ter bones In- to the crotch of In- di- a- na Jones - Who fell o- ver on the ground Wri- thing in pain As Bat- man changed back in- to Bruce Wayne But Chuck saw through his cle- ver dis- guise And he crushed Bat- man's head in be- tween his thighs Then Gan- dalf the gray and Gan- dalf the white and Mon- ty Py- thon and the ho- ly grail's Black Knight and Be- ni- to Mu- so- li- ni, and the Blue Mea- nie and Cow- boy Cur- tis, and Jam- bie the Ge- nie Ro- bo- cop, The Ter- mi- na- tor, Cap- tain Kirk and Darth Va- der Lo- pan, Su- per- man, eve- ry sing- le pow- er- ran- ger, Bill S. Pres- ton, and The- o- dore Lo- gan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Ho- gan All came out of no- where light- ning fast, and they kicked Chuck Nor- ris in his Cow- boy ass It was the bloo- di- est bat- tle that the world e- ver saw With ci- vil- li- ans loo- king on in to- tal awe - The fight raged on for a cen- tu- ry Ma- ny lives where claimed, but e- ven- tual- ly The champ- ion stood, the rest saw their bet- ter Mis- ter Rod- gers in a blood- stained sweat- er This is the ul- ti- mate show- - down of ul- ti- mate des- ti- ny - Good guys bad guys and ex- plo- - sions As far as the eye - can - see - And on- ly one wil sur- vive - I won- der who it will be - This is the ul- ti- mate show- - down This is the ul- ti- mate show- - down This is the ul- ti- mate show- - down of ul- ti- mate des- ti- ny