标题:Cleanin' Out My Closet
标签: 总谱
专辑:Curtain Call - The Hits (Deluxe Version)
制谱人:Steven Latimer
Transcribed September 2019 by Steven Latimer
节拍: Moderate ♩ = 149
Where's my snare? I have no snare in my head- phones There ya go Yeah Yo yo Have you ev- er been ha- ted or dis- crim- i- na- ted a- gainst? I have I've been pro- test- ed and dem- on- stra- ted a- gainst Pick- et signs for my wick- ed rhyhms Look at the times Sick as the mind of the moth- er fuck- ing kid that's be- hind _ All this com- mo- tion e- mo- tions run deep as o- cean's ex- plo- din' Temp- ers flar- ing from pa- rents just blow 'em off and keep go- in' Not tak- ing no- thin' from no one give 'em hell long as I'm breath- in Keep kick- ing ass in the morn- ing tak- ing names in the eve- ning Leave 'em with a taste as so- ur as vin- e- gar in they mouth See they can trig- ger me, but they'll ne- ver fig- ure me out Look at me now, I bet ya prob- 'bly sick of me now ain't you mom- ma? I'm- ma make you look so ri- di- cu- lous now ! I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean- in' out my clo- set (One more time) I said I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean in' out my clo- set (Ha!) I got some skel- e- tons in my clo- set And I don't know if no one knows it So be- fore they throw me in- side my cof- fin and close it I'm- ma ex- pose it; I'll take you back to sev- en- ty three, Be- fore I ev- er had a mul- ti- plati- num sell- ing C- D I was a ba- by, may- be I was just a cou- ple of months My fag- got fa- ther must have had his pan- ties up in a bunch 'Cause he split, I won- der if he e- ven kissed me good- bye No I don't; on sec- ond thought I just fuck- ing wished he would die I look at Hai- lie, and I could- n't pic- ture lea- ving her side E- ven if I ha- ted Kim, I'd grit my teeth and I'd try To make it work with her at least for Hai- lie's sake I may- be made some mi- stakes But I'm only hu- man, but I'm man e- nough to face them to- day What I did was stu- pid, no doubt it was dumb But the smart- est shit I did was take them bull- ets out- ta that gun 'Cause I- 'da killed him; shit I would- 've shot Kim and him both It's my life, I'd like to wel- come y'all to "The Em- i- nem Show" I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean- in' out my clo- set (One more time) I said I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean in' out my clo- set (ha) Now I would ne- ver diss my own ma- ma just to get rec- og- ni- tion Take a sec- ond to lis- ten 'fore you think this rec- ord is diss- ing But put your- self in my po- si- tion; just try to en- vi- sion Wit- ness- ing your ma- ma pop- ping pre- scrip- tion pills in the kitch- en Bitch- ing that some- one's al- ways go- ing through her purse and shit's miss- ing Going through pub- lic hous- ing sys- tems, vic- tim of M黱ch- au- sen's Syn- drome My whole life I was made to be- lieve I was sick when I was- n' 'Til I grew up, now I blew up, it makes you sick to your stom- ach Doesn't it? Wasn't it the rea- son you made that C- D for me Ma? _ So you could try to just- i- fy the way you treat- ed me Ma? _ But guess what? You're get- ting old- er now _ and it's cold when you're lone- ly And Nath- an's grow- ing up so quick he's gon- na know that you're pho- ny And Hai- lie's get- ting so big now _ you should see her, she's beau- ti- ful But you'll ne- ver see her, she won't e- ven be at your fu- ner- al! See what hurts me the most is you won't ad- mit you was wrong Bitch do your song, keep tell- ing your- self that you was a mom! But how dare you try to take what you did- n't help me to get You self- ish bitch; I hope you fuck- ing burn in hell for this shit Re- mem- ber when Ron- nie died and you said you wished it was me? Well guess what, I am dead, dead to you as can be! _ I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean- in' out my clo- set (One more time) I said I'm sor- ry ma- ma I ne- ver meant to hurt you _ _ _ I ne- ver meant to make you cry but to- night I'm clean in' out my clo- set