


  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Desolation MIDI Guitars

    艺人:Boris the Blade

    I made these tabs with the help of Cameron, from the 
    band. Since he didnt write the album, he only knew his 
    riffs, but not all of Josh's.
    Not everything is structured correctly, but the riffs are 
    in there

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 135

    标记:Press F5
    歌曲: Desolation
    Tranquility emerges
    as the dead seep into this earth
    devastation intended for the cowards of treason
    feel the earth tremble beneath your fucking feet

    your face forgotten
    nothing awaits you beyond this life
    forever to rot
    within the earth

    this scorched earth ablaze with the scent of creation
    a darkness fuelled by hatred is here

    death will rain from the skies

    my horrid visions
    depict a world turned into dust
    no life will wonder upon this soil
    complete de-creation

    the bastards sons and the innocent virgins
    will feel the last wrath of my apocalyptic rage
    temptations of a broken man
    now set me free

    your face forgotten
    nothing awaits you beyond this life
    forever to rot
    within the earth

    I will watch as you fade away
    as your world turns to ashes before my eyes
    and everything you've loved
    will be nothing but a memory

    I will watch as you fade away
    as your world turns to ashes before my eyes
    and everything you've loved
    will be nothing but a memory
  • 相关吉他谱
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