艺人:O.M.D - Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
作词:Orchestral Manoeuvr ...
制谱人:Jacques Ruiz (JZ).
指示:please read notice.
v1.0, 9 Nov 2003. I'm not an OMD fan but for some reason I like this song (the bass lines!). So I thought "hey, let's tab it!". Et voil? I tabbed it from an old tape, so the tempo may be not 100% accurate, but I tried to compensate by tweaking the wav speed to get the right tones. Bass: ==== Use the fingering you like. You can use an alternate fingering with more open strings.
节拍: ♩ = 172
Our one source of e-ner-gy. The ul-ti-mate dis-co-ve-ry. E-lec-tric blue for me. Ne-ver more to be free. E-lec-tr-ici-ty Nu-cle-ar and H-E-P Car-bon fuels from the sea. Was-ted e-lec-tri-ci-ty. Our one source-of e-ner-gy. E-lec-tri-ci-ty. All we need to live to-day. A gift for man to throw a-way. The chance to change has nea-ly gone. The al-ter-na-tive is on-ly one. The fi-nal source of e-ner-gy. So-lar e-lec-tri-ci-ty. E-lec-tri-ci-ty. E-lec-tri-ci-ty. E-lec-tri-ci-ty. E-lec-tri-ci-ty. E-lec-tri-ci-ty. E...