




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer

    艺人:John Lee Hooker


    作曲:John Lee Hooker

    制谱人:Transcribed to Guitar Pro by Jon Keck

    节拍: Fast Blues Shuffle ♩ = 130

    注释:Intro1st Chorus1st verse2nd Chorus1st Chorus2341st Verse - No Playing2nd Chorus2nd Verse - No Playing2nd Chorus
    One  Bourbon,  One  Scotch,  One  Beer  -  John  Lee  Hooker
    One bourbon one scotch and one beer
    One bourbon one scotch and one beer
    Hey mister bartender come here
    I want another drink and I want it now
    My baby she gone she been gone two night
    I ain't seen my baby since night before last
    One bourbon one scotch and one beer
    And then I sit there getting high mellow
    Knocked out feeling good and by the time
    I looked on the wall at the old clock on the wall
    By that time it was ten thirty daddy
    I looked down the bar at the bartender
    He said now what do you want Johnny
    One bourbon one scotch and one beer
    Well my baby she gone she been gone two night
    I ain't seen my baby since night before last
    I wanna get drunk till I'm off of my mind
    One bourbon one scotch and one beer
    And I sat there getting high stoned
    Knocked out and by the time
    I looked on the wall at the old clock again
    And by that time it was a quarter to two
    Last call for alcohol
    Hey mister bartender what do you want
    One bourbon one scotch and one beer
    One bourbon one scotch and one beer
    One bourbon one scotch and one beer
  • 相关吉他谱
  • lp2871