


  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Vincent

    副标题:Starry Starry Night(吉他社www.jitashe.net)

    艺人:Don Mac Lean

    专辑:Tab from Giampietro Cerolini - cerolinig@yahoo.it


    制谱人:Giampietro Cerolini (cerolinig@yahoo.it)

    This tab has been made just listening the performance of the great Don McLean on You Tube.
    I am an autodidact so you'll probably find many mistakes and inaccuraties. In any case i am at your disposition for any question or else.
    Excuse my bad english and thank you for your kind attention.

    和弦:G Am C D7 Am7 Em A7 Cm


    Star- ry star- ry Night Paint your pal- lette blue and grey Look out on a sum- mers day With eyes that know the dark- ness in my soul. Sha- dows on the hills sketch the trees and daf- fod- ils Catch the breez and thewin- ter chill In co- lours on the sno- wy li- nen land Andnow i and- erst- end what you tried to say to me ee How you sof- fe- red for your sa- nity How you try- ed to set'em free They would not lis- ten they did not know how per- haps they'll lis-ten now. Star-ry star-ry night flam-ming flo-wers thatbrigh-ly blaze Swir-ling clouds in vio-let ha-ze-ee Re-flec-tin' Vin-cent's eyes of Chi-na blue Co-lor chan-ging hue mor-ning fields of am-ber grain We-therrd fa-ces lined in pain Are su-thed beneath the ar-tist lo-ving hand Now i un-der stand what you try to say to me-ee How you sof-fe-red for your sani-ty How you try-ed to set'em free They wouldnt lis-ten they did not know how Per-haps they'll lis-ten now. For the could not love you uu but still you+love was true And when no hope was left in-sight on that sta-ry star-ry night you took your life as lo-ver o-ften do. But I+could have told you Vin-cent This world was ne-ver meant for some one beau-ty-fall as you. Star-ry sta-ry night por-traits hung in em-pty halls frame-less heads on name-less walls with eyes that watch the world and can't for-get. Like+stran-ger that you met The+rag-ged man with rag-ged clothes The+sil-ver thorn the blo-ody rose lie cru-shed an'bro-ken on the vir-gin snow An+now I think I know what you tried to say to me-ee How you sof-fered for your sa-ni-ty How you tried to set' em free they wouldnt lis-ten they're not lis-te-ning still Per-haps they ne-ver will

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