




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:So You Die


    专辑:Resurrection Through Carnage (2002)

    作词:Dan Swano

    作曲:Nyström, Renkse, Swanö ...


    指示:Tuning: BEADF#B

    Some minor mistakes - sometimes guitars are very 
    distorted and it is really hard to hear how to play it note 
    by note.
    Bars 17-25: It looks like that the solo is a weird random 
    pattern, so don't bother about 16 notes and play it in 
    your own way if you want.
    Sounds good only with "buzzsaw" swedish death 
    metal signature sound. Here his the tip by Dan Swano 
    how to get this sound:
    " I used a HM-2 into a Digitech GNX2 preamp. I used 
    the Marshall-amp and Speakeremulation. Later on I 
    used the Free Filter plug-in to "rip" the guitartone EQ 
    from Left Hand Path (using the Intro from "Drowned") 
    and applied that to my own "try"."
    There are no bass and drums transcriptions - feel free 
    to add it If you want.

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 180

    注释:Press F5 to read info about solo.
    歌曲: So You Die
    I will have a feast on your soul
    And watch your world as it comes tumbling down
    You know there is no return
    I will make you burn inside, your time has come

    I show no mercy
    You know I know no other way
    Than to revel in your flesh
    I am born to conquer
    So you die

    I live inside you
    So you die
    I won't surrender
    So you die

    And now when your days are counted
    I have reached my goal
    You are broken down
    Your life is lost, I have collected yet another soul

    That's when you see
    That you have lost your soul to me
    That's when you feel
    That you have lost the will to live
    And I am still here
    Waiting for the next to drain of life
    And I am stronger now
    Than when I took your useless life

    No living thing can be spared from my attack
    When I feel the urge to kill
    I hate your breath and the strength you get from life
    Because I have never lived
    And now it's my time to be one
    With all the mortal ones that walk the earth
    I enter human form. my wicked soul lives on into eternity
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