注释:hail to the freaksI can't get enoughso the wordshit the boywho cannever be toughifsomebody needsto compromisehashing out dealsto cover liesI predict a worldthat keeps youhanging onI 've been aroundand aroundaround andgoyeah weather the stormset up the sunweather the stormset up the sunhail to the freaksI can't get enoughso the words hit the boywho can never be toughsaw a friendrecentlybeggin' forsympathybeen holding my breathtry to acceptanother apologyI predict a worldthat keeps youhanging onI 've been aroundand aroundaround andgoyeah weather the stormset up the sunweather the stormset up the suncalling you from thetop of frictioncalling you from thewrong directionset up the sunsunsunyeahhail to the freaksI can't get enoughso the wordshit the boywho can never be toughif somebody needs to compromisehashing out deals to cover lieshashing out dealsto cover liescalling you from thetop of frictioncalling you from thewrong directionset up the sunsunsunyeah