Wise men go
tip tip tap
step by step.
They won't jump
they won't stop
they won's slip.
If you happen to get in ther way
just move along.
We might be just like king if we tried
For a day we could play the big ones
Under bridges and bridges of names
We could try to forget 'bout ourselves just this time
We could try to forget 'bout ourselves just this time
We could try to forget 'bout ourselves just this time
We could try to forget 'bout ourselves just this time
Go, go, you gotta move along.
ajaro Sunrise 感觉挺小众的一个乐队。有一次偶尔在路边听见一个小店里在放就喜欢上了。 很多歌都是很简单的和弦和旋律但很巧妙很好听。我已经扒了一些其中比较简单好听的曲子出来。