标题:It's Alright
艺人:Pet Shop Boys
作词:Sterling Void
作曲:Chris Lowe; Neil Tennant
制谱人:natan_coil@hotmail.com; beranger80@hotmail.com
* This is the album version!
* I can't play the guitar, so the tab probably is a little
messy because I used the GP keyboard to put the
notes, so, sorry!
* Guitar noises not included!
Moderate ♩ = 120
注释:It'sallrightIt'sallrightItwill bealrightIt's gon na beallrightgonna beallrightgonna be allgonna be allgonna be allgonna be allgonna be allrightIt'sallrightIt'sallrightIt'sallrightIt'sallrightgonna begonna begonna beallrightgonna be allgonna be allgonna be allgonna be allgonna be alrightgonna be allgonna be allgonna be allgonna be allgonna be alrightIcan hear itDic ta tionbeing forced inAfghanistanRevo lu tionin South Afri cata kingastandPeoplein Eura siaon thebrink ofo pre ssionI hope it'sgonna bealrightCos the music playsforeveronYea-eahI hope it'sgonna bealrightGe nera tionswill come and goBut there's onething for sureMusicis ourlife's foun dationand shall succeed all the na tions to comeYea-eahI hope it'sgonna bealrightCos the music playsforeveronYea-eahI hope it'sgonna bealrightCos the music playsforeveronThe yearthree thou sandmay still come to passbut the musicshall lastI can hearit on a time lesswave lengthnever dissipa tingbut gi vingusstrengthI hope it'sgonna bealrightI hope it'sgonna bealrightLet your body move to nightcos it's gonnabe alrightCos the music playsforeveronI can hearit on a time lesswave lengthnever dissipa tingbut gi vingusstrengthI hope it'sgonna bealrightCos the music playsfor ever onand onand onand onand onand onand onand onand onand onand onand onAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightFor it goeson and onand onand onAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightFor it goesonand onand onand ononand onand onIt goesonand onand onand onand onand onand onAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightFor itgoeson and onand onand onAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightIt'sallrightIt'sall rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightAll rightsic playsforever onand onand onand onand onand onand on
标记:alright...bassversealright...generationsstringsit goes on and onthe year 3000I can hear italrightstrings highguitarorgan(I can hear it)pianoalrightkeyboardget ready...THE F*CKING CHOIR! \o/I can hear itendingI hope it's gonna be alright