




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:In Vein

    标签: 总谱

    艺人:The Haunted


    作词:Dolving, Jensen, Jonas

    作曲:Dolving / Jensen / Jonas

    制谱人:ProFiction (Steve Miller)

    None of the tracks are really 100% perfect but this is 
    the closest I could get.  It's pretty good, enjoy.

    节拍: ♩ = 220

    注释:Slide into the 2nd chordSlide into the 2nd chord
    歌曲: In Vein
    You and many are one alone.
    You seek through the heavens and under the stone.
    The words that I speak still left untold.
    For who's there to listen when silence is gold.

    I come
    from a place where no one goes,
    you know that,
    I won't
    set eyes on another dawn.
    One last hit...

    seeing and hearing, breathing and being.
    Doubting and staggering I fail to believe.
    The edges are torn my life ripped to pieces.
    Shame, pain...now I leave it.

    I come
    from a place where no one goes,
    you know that,
    I won't
    set eyes on another dawn.
    Fuck if I care...

    Lay me down one last time.
    Caress the blade in my hand.

    If I shed my blood in vain,
    could I rest forever?
    Should I lay my soul to waste?
    No one lives forever...

    A candle it flickers before my eyes.
    I feel so at ease as I start to realize.
    No more frustration as the thought frees my mind.
    I blow out the candle, one last good bye...

    I come
    from a place where no one goes,
    you know that,
    I won't
    set eyes on another dawn.
    Life slips away....

    If I shed my blood in vain,
    could I rest forever?
    Should I lay my soul to waste?
    No one lives forever...
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