标题:Punk Rock Song
标签: 总谱
艺人:Bad Religion
专辑:The Gray Race
作词:Greg Graffin
作曲:Greg Graffin
制谱人:Mikhail Zazubek
节拍: ♩ = 185
Have you been to the des-ert? Have you walked with the dead? There's a hun-dred thou-sand chil-dren be-ing killed for their bread And the fig-ures don't lie they speak of hu-man di-sease, But we do what we want and we think what we please. Have you lived the ex-pe-ri-ence? Have you wit-nessed the plague? Peop-le mak-ing ba-bies some-times just to es-cape. In this land of com-pe-ti-tion the com-pas-sion is gone, Yet we ig-nore the need-y and we keep push-ing on. Keep push-ing on...- This is just a punk rock song Writ-ten for the peop-le who can see some-thing's wrong. Like ants in a col-o-ny we do our share, But there's so man-y oth-er fuck-in' in-sects out there. And this is just a punk rock song. Have you vis-i-ted the quag-mire? Have you swam in the shit? The par-ty con-ven-tions and the real-pol-i-tik, The face is al-ways dif-ferent, the rhe-tor-ic the same, But we swal-low it all, and we see no-thing change. No-thing has changed...- This is just a punk rock song Writ-ten for the peop-le who can see some-thing's wrong. Like work-ers in a fac-to-ry we do our share But there's so man-y oth-er fuck-in' ro-bots out there. And this is just a punk rock song. Ten mil-lion dol-lars on a los-ing cam-paign, Twen-ty mil-lion star-ving and wri-thing in pain. Big strong peop-le un-wil-ling to give, Small in vis-ion and per-spec-tive.--- One in five kids be-low the pov-er-ty line, One pop-u-la-tion run-nin' out of time. Run-nin' out of time.- This is just a punk rock song Writ-ten for the peop-le who can see some-thing's wrong. Like ants in a col-o-ny we do our share, But there's so man-y oth-er fuck-in' in-sects out there. And this is just a punk rock song. [Figures don't lie they speak of human disease, But we do what we want and we think what we please. One in five kids below the poverty line, One population runnin' out of time.] This is just a punk rock song, This is just a punk rock song, This is just a punk rock song.