




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Luck As A Constant

    副标题:Guitar Solos





    制谱人:Joe Mabry

    I believe this tab to be about 90 - 95% accurate.  I did 
    not transcribe all of this by ear, most of the notes were 
    obtained here http://www.youtube.com/watch?
    feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=GjZ7dttAFOQ however, I 
    did have to figure out all the note values and he had 
    several parts wrong that I had to change, mostly just 
    the ending harmony part.

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 138


    注释:PRESS F5!!!Dips here vv sound like shit on GPNote values here are tricky, not 100%
    Luck as a Constant
    Artist : Periphery
    Album : Periphery II : This Time It's Personal
    < Echo Intro >
    Djent Djent ~~
    Staring up at the ceiling , while I'm falling into the flames.
    Something is gnawing my shoulder ,
    and scarring this moment into my memory frame.
    # Riff 1
    The fathers speak , but might as well be castrated.
    It feels so good from where I stand.
    The one abstaining from all human need and pleasantries ,
    is the one I never will be.
    Collecting through the streets , a sense of power filling me ,
    and I will never let go.
    I'm never letting go !
    Bending will of man and the hearts of the gods.
    Shut the fuck up and let us live a life we can call our own.
    Leave me alone.
    # Riff 2
    #< Echo verse >
    If you love the guilt , then let it die.
    A life kept so clean , will measure the price of misery.
    If you love the guilt , then let it die.
    In silence we will remain.
    If you love the guilt , then let it die.
    A life kept so clean , will measure the price of misery.
    But manifest the taste of paradise ,
    and surely you'll see the sin inside of me.
    < Guitar solo >
    < Ambient >
  • 相关吉他谱
  • winight