标题:Wore out the soles of my party boots
专辑:The Greatest Songs Ever Written (by us)
My first tab :-)
I'm not very good at percussion, so someone will have
to fill this in properly, but as far as i can see, the rest is
♩ = 80
标记:IntroVerse 1ChorusGapVerse 2ChorusGapSolo
Life is fast but i dont wan-na live past you cos you are my on-ly roots I was the king of the drug booze thing now Ive worn out the soles of my par-ty boots so call me shit face mas-ter-of-dis grace I done care cos my out er skin is thick like-crust and a liv er thats rus ted out now im on a list every bo dy wan na give a shit out ta me I wont give it but ill give am biv a lence
I got a mem or y box cos my mem or y blocks me from rem em ber i-ing weeks all the blacked out nights to the white out morn ings and the grey mat ter da ma gings so call me fat fuck ger i at ric punk rock give it str8 cos i des erve a ver bal beat ing from an audi ence blea ting and a me lee with no con cern ev ry bo dy wan na give a shit out ta me i wont give it but ill giv ir res pon siv ness ev ry bo dy wan na drag me up ag ain i wan na go but the price keeps go ing up Go ing down is sim ple and prac ti cal lay ing low but keep ing it syn i cle Im on a wag on and its such a drag with out a bla bla bla bla bla bla? bla bla bla no one likes a quit ter or an old punk's bit ter ness so im wai ting for the tap on my shoul der cos we're all get ting old er not bet ter and the laughs are no lon ger with us so call me fat fuck ger i at ric punk call me fat fuck ger i at ric punk call me fat fuck ger i at ric punk shit faced mas ter of dis grace