标题:We Hold The Key
标签: 总谱
专辑:Fourth Dimension
作曲:Timo Tolkki
制谱人:SaNjUa (sanjua_ym@hotmail.com)
---lo mejor transcripto es la guitarra, lo demas esta para rellenar--- no a las papeleras... we hold the key... 01/02/07
节拍: Moderate ♩ = 90
I'm loo-king as the mor-ning sun ri-ses, be-fore my ve-ry eyes, re-vea-ling all this bea-u-u-ty-y... Ques-tions fill my mi-nd once a-gain clea-ring m-y thoughts, have I be-en bl-i-n-d.... Now i se-e!!! The hole is ge-tting bi-gger in the sky, do you know the rea-son why no-bo-dy seems to c-a-r-e? E-very-thing is so well in your life, did you e-ver give a dime to things that yo-u rea-lly be-lieved? The fu-ture will sh-o-w what ha-pens to o-u-r world. We hold the key to the door of salva-ti-on e-ter-na-lly. We hold the key to minds, to the fu-ture of man-kind. It's time to wake up from your dre-a-ms, to re-a-li-ty... This can't go on be-lie-ve me! If you just turn your head a-way will to-mo-rrow be te same, try to foresee. The fu-ture will sh-o-w what ha-pens to o-u-r world. We hold the key to the door o-f salva-ti-on e-ter-na-lly. We hold the key to minds, to the fu-ture of man-kind. What will we find? Moun-tains to climb... Mo-re des-truc-tion and ha-tred we'll dis-co-ver. Su-dden-ly sounds a-wake me: birds sin-ging bea-u-ti-fu-ly, may-be there is ho-pe still left in this world... We hold the key to the door of salva-ti-on e-ter-na-lly. We hold the key to minds, to the fu-ture of man-kind. We hold the key to the door of salva-ti-on e-ter-na-lly. We hold the key to minds, to the fu-ture of man-kind.