


  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Diferencias Sobre Guardame Las Vacas


    标签: 古典吉他

    艺人:Andres Segovia (1893-1987)

    专辑:SEGOVIA, Andres: 1950s American Recordings, Vol. 4 (Segovia, Vol. 6)

    作词:Luys De Narvaez

    作曲:Luys de Narvaez

    制谱人:kalesh(aka anatem): crosstar999@yahoo.com

    !! this is the segovia version of the variations of 
    'diferencias sobre guardame las vacas' as published by 
    graham wade and gerard garno in "segovia -his llife his 
    music" and it consists of the main theme ofthe 
    romanesca "guardame las vacas" which was a very 
    popular spanish tune of the 16th century and the 7 
    seven variations written by de narvaez for the vihuela 
    in his groundbreaking book "los seys..",which were 
    later transcribed, normally, for guitar by a number of 
    guitarists , the most important of all being, of  course, 
    segovia.i have transposed the edition abovementioned 
    into tab with all the notations which appear and all the 
    tempo changes, but i have not arranged the variations 
    in any way-that's up to u to arrange as a 
    player..as long as u know how and why u arrange 
    them in a manner or another..i strongly suggest u read 
    a little about how different arragements of the score 
    were made in time, especially segovia's and get hold of 
    some recordings of the piece before u start playing it, 
    otherwise u'll learn it superficially.there are layternate 
    ways u can play certain measures from different point 
    of views but again that's left up to u as a player.note 
    that segovia for example skipped a couple of 
    variations sometimes when playing the song [(the first 
    four -played only with the theme originally - were 
    composed separately from the last three which were 
    published later under the name 'tres diferencias por 
    otra parte'-more info at the bottom of the page :) )] or 
    used slurs instead of staccatos and sometimes 
    modified the tempo for different reasons affecting the 
    economy of the song, whereas others empyrically 
    changed the order of the variations when playing, so 
    be attentif if u want to do a fine job playing this song, 
    which is ,or appears to , relatively simple also because 
    the tempo is relatively free...thats aboutit  :)  enjoy the 
    spirit of music but do it as it should be done
    !!! oh and remember that the first four are the original 
    diferencias the last three are "diferencias por otra 
    parte" (published later by narvaez) meaning they can 
    be played next to the first four and the theme but are 
    written differently (modality etc) and that is why i have 
    not arranged them in the order in which they are 
    usually played by an interpreter today-u are free to play 
    them according to one of the many points view which 
    are out there about this piece of music
    !!!!!NOTE: i have full copyright for this tab so remember 
    to only use this for personal study or for teaching 
    posting it on the net or other media sources even with 
    small modifications or using it in different contexts than 
    the ones i allow here or by written (email too) consent 
    is illegal and will not be tolerated !!!!!

    THEMEandante di gaia , naturaleREAD INFO - F5 !!!!!rit.andante di gaia , ponticellopresto , meno mosso -dolcerit.presto , piu mosso -ponticellorit.con mestizia , dolcerit.simile , naturalerit.legatissimo , dolceI----------lamentoso , meno mossoI-----------rit.animato , risvegliatopont.(2nd time)piu animatorit.(2nd time)presto , 2nd time pizzicato---------------------------------------------------------------------------------pizz.--------------------------------CODAponticello , meno mossocresc.naturale allargandoVEND

    标记:1st variation2nd variation3rd variation4th variation5th variation6th variation7th variationend
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