标题:The Islander
Moderate ♩ = 170
注释:Play it with CAPO on second fret Amwith BF with DFGFGAmAmwith BF with DFGFGAmAmAmAmAmwith BF with DFGFGAmAmwith BF with DFGFGAmAmAmAmFCGAmFCDmAmFCGAmFCDmAmwith BF with DFGFGAmAmwith BF with DFGFGAmAmAmAmAmwith BF with DFGFGAmAmwith BF with DFGFGAmAmAmAmFCGAmFCDmAmFCGAmFCDmAmAmFCGAmFCDmAmFCGAmFCDmAman oldman byaseashoreattheendof daygazesthehorizonwithseawinds in his facetempesttossedislandseasons allthe sameanchorageunpaintedand ashipwithout a namesea withoutashoreforthevanishedoneunheardhelightensthebeaconlightatthe end ofworldshowingthewaylightinghopeintheir heartstheonesfrom theirtravelshome--worldfrom afarthisisforlongfor--gottenlight at theend of theworldho--rizoncry--ingthetearshe leftbehindlonga--gothealbatrosis flyingma--kinghim day--dreamthetimebeforehebecameoneof the world's unseenprincessinthe towerchildreninthe fieldslifegave himitallan islandofthe universeoooohnowhis loveis a memorya gostin thefoghesetsthe sailsone lasttime sayingfarewelltothe worldanchor tothe waterseabedfarbelowgrassstill inhisfeet and asmilebeneath hisbrowthisisforlongfor--gottenlight at theend of theworldho--rizoncry--ingthetearshe leftbehindsolonga--gosolonga--gothisisforlongfor--gottenlight at theend of theworldho--rizoncry--ingthetearshe leftbehindsolonga--gosolonga--go
标记:IntroVerse 1ChorusBreakVerse 2Choruslast Chorus
An old man by a seashore
At the end of day
Gazes the horizon
With seawinds in his face
Tempest-tossed island
Seasons all the same
Anchorage unpainted
And a ship without a name
Sea without a shore for the banished one unheard
He lightens the beacon, light at the end of world
Showing the way lighting hope in their hearts
The ones on their travels homeward from afar
This is for long-forgotten
Light at the end of the world
Horizon crying
The tears he left behind long ago
The albatross is flying
Making him daydream
The time before he became
One of the world's unseen
Princess in the tower
Children in the fields
Life gave him it all:
An island of the universe
Now his love's a memory
A ghost in the fog
He sets the sails one last time
Saying farewell to the world
Anchor to the water
Seabed far below
Grass still in his feet
And a smile beneath his brow
This is for long-forgotten
Light at the end of the world
Horizon crying
The tears he left behind long ago
So long ago...
so long ago...
This is for long-forgotten
Light at the end of the world
Horizon crying
The tears he left behind so long ago