




  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Steve Vai 30 Hour Workout

    标签: 电吉他

    艺人:Steve Vai

    制谱人:By MINDABYSS

    Press F9 to bring up the speed trainer. Start at a low percentage and work your way up to a faster speed using small incriments. In "The Steve Vai Program" you do each exercise for an hour (30 exercises=30 Hours).
    Thanks for downloading and have fun!!!!!

    Alternate Picking EXERCISE 1PRESS F5 FOR INFO ABOUT EXERCISESAlternate Picking EXERCISE 2Alternate Picking EXERCISE 3Alternate Picking EXERCISE 4Alternate Picking EXERCISE 5Alternate Picking EXERCISE 6Alternate Picking EXERCISE 7Alternate Picking EXERCISE 8Economy Picking EXERCISE 1Economy Picking EXERCISE 2Economy Picking EXERCISE 3Legato EXERCISE 1Legato EXERCISE 2Legato EXERCISE 3Legato EXERCISE 4Legato EXERCISE 5Legato EXERCISE 6Tapping EXERCISE 1Tapping EXERCISE 2Tapping EXERCISE 3Sweeping EXERCISE 1Sweeping EXERCISE 2Sweeping EXERCISE 3Scale EXERCISE 1 G Major Scale in ThirdsScale EXERCISE G Major Scale in FourthsScale EXERCISE3 G Major Scale in FifthsScale EXERCISE 4 G Major Scale in Thirds up the neckScale EXERCISE 5 G Major Scale in Fourths up the neckScale EXERCISE 6 G Major Scale in Fifths up the neckScale EXERCISE 7 G Major Scale MelodicE Minor Pentatonic Shape 1E Minor Pentatonic Shape 2E Minor Pentatonic Shape 3E Minor Pentatonic Shape 4E Minor Pentatonic Shape 5E Minor Pentatonic Shape 1E Minor Pentatonic Shape 2E Minor Pentatonic Shape 3E Minor Pentatonic Shape 4E Minor Pentatonic Shape 5E Minor Blues Scale Shape 1E Minor Blues Scale Shape 2E Minor Blues Scale Shape 3E Minor Blues Scale Shape 4E Minor Blues Scale Shape 5E Minor Blues Scale Shape 1E Minor Blues Scale Shape 2E Minor Blues Scale Shape 3E Minor Blues Scale Shape 4E Minor Blues Scale Shape 5

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