


  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:Brain Death (Intro)

    艺人:Nuclear Assaulr

    专辑:Game Over

    作词:Bramante, Connelly, Evans ...

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 95

    歌曲: Brain Death
    You lie deathly still 
    In your hospital bed
    Soon to go under the knife
    The white walls are gleaming
    The smell is so clean
    You shiver in fear for your life
    Uneasy with your surroundings
    You wonder if you'll get out alive
    The doctors walk in
    And he smiles at you
    Your sergery is scheduled for five

    Help me
    Save me
    As I take my last breath
    From these
    Licensed to give death

    Watching the clock
    As the hour draws near
    Nervousness making you sweat
    Now comes the time
    And you're given a shoot
    You wonder if that's all you'll get
    You are wheeled into
    The room where you'll die
    A thought that is morbid but true
    The last thing you see
    As you're slipping away
    Is the scalpel they're sticking in you

    Help me
    Save me
    As I take my last breath
    From these
    Licensed to give death

    Safe from the monster
    Safe from it all
    You watch but you no longer pain
    The body you've left
    Is a pile of guts
    It's obvious that they're insane
    And as your spirit
    Is leaving this plane
    You know that they cannot be stopped
    The practice you thrive
    The deaths will continue
    And what they don't eat just will rot

    Help me
    Save me
    As I take my last breath
    From these
    Licensed to give death
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