日本著名網絡吉他手Hellman(Hidenori)用來教學的 曲目。其中充滿了應用性極強的珍貴樂句。 他在網路發行的midiCd中展示了自己豐富的樂理 知識、高超的吉他技術以及天馬行空的樂句,是 在下最為敬佩的年輕吉他手之一。2010年6月製 作此譜,供對shred吉他感興趣之琴友參看。 願為中國地區電吉他普及貢獻一份微薄之力。 中國粉絲GuitarYuan記錄/歡迎轉載 QQ:1114208154
节拍: Moderate ♩ = 140
No matter what I feel for you, those three words I can't say.
I regret the times I used the word OK.
I know how much it means when people show they really care.
Of the value in honesty, I'm quite aware.
But still there's much in me that I don't share.
Don't have the guts to say what I think.
I'm too scared to say what I think of you.
The other way around I'd say I function the same way.
The darker sides of me I underplay.
Afraid to get into conflicts, afraid to tell you, NO.
Though I know this weakness keeps me low.
There's so much inside me that I don't show.
Somethings I can never show. Why I don't know.....
Don't have the guts to say what I think.
I'm too scared to say what I think of you.
I'm too scared of what I really think of you.