Al-right Those were the days you're moth-er would say you could come out to play We'd kick things a-round climb up a tree or jump ac-ross the can-al Then ev-'ry sum-mer was a year in my head And when it end-ed yeah we wished we were dead But now-a-days it comes and goes be-fore you know it The sun is shin-ing We've no-thing left to lose The sun is shin-ing Put on your fav-'rite shoes I'm get-ting tired and I'm sick of wait-ing for you Wait-ing for you I've got-ta move one But my heart be-longs in a world that has gone I went to your house Your moth-er's still there but she said you moved out She said you left e-lev-en years a-go She said she's told me this be-fore but I don't know But she won't un-der-stand if I said how I love you The sun is shin-ing We've no-thing left to lose The sun is shin-ing Put on your fav-'rite shoes I'm get-ting tired and I'm sick of wait-ing for you Wait-ing for you The sun is shin-ing It's gon-na be al-right The sun is shin-ing Stop put-ting up a fight We're get-ting high so high We've got no-thing to lo se No-thing to lo se The sun is shin-ing We've no-thing left to lose The sun is shin-ing Put on your fav-'rite shoes I'm get-ting tired and I'm sick of wait-ing for you Wait-ing for you The sun is shin-ing Stop put-ting up a fight The sun is shin-ing It's gon-na be al-right We're gett-ing high so high We've got no-thing to lo se No-thing to lo se