


  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:The Departure


    作词:Hedlund, Swanö, Tägtgren

    节拍: Moderate ♩ = 150

    注释:Apologize for my laziness.....and I think it should be 6 strings.....Like the Track 5I've found it out Just when i was almost doneSo please change positions for you self...or maybe Peter was using a 7 strings guitar torecorded the distortion parts(I know he had one)and using a 6string guitar to recorded the clean parts...it happens .....Anyway, Thanks for downloading,Enjoy
    I came back to life
    Naked and tied to the floor
    In the corner of my eyes
    I saw them coming through the door

    All is black
    All is white
    I open my eyes and face the airport lights

    I stare into the eyes of eternity
    I've seen what no man's ever seen
    I stare into the eyes of eternity
    I've been where no man's ever been

    as I look around
    I realize I'm all alone
    ...Chills me to the bone

    Suddenly rising up in the air
    My mind was burning
    :I said farewell to the bodies their stealing

    All is black
    All is white
    I open my eyes and face the airport lights

    I'll fit right back into the dream
    But something here just keeps me awake
    And I'm cut wide open
    Maybe they search for my soul
    This is more than a human can take

    And don't tell me I'm dreaming
    I know what I saw
    I'll feel alive like never before
  • 相关吉他谱
  • 小沛