


  • 曲谱信息
  • 歌词
  • 标题:White riot

    艺人:The Clash

    专辑:The Singles

    作词:Jones, Strummer

    作曲:The Clash

    编曲:The Clash

    制谱人:2vf ; 2vf@wanadoo.fr

    节拍: ♩ = 200

    White riot - I wanna riot 白色暴动 - 我想要暴动
    White riot - a riot of my own 白色暴动 - 我的暴动
    White riot - I wanna riot 白色暴动 - 我想要暴动
    White riot - a riot of my own 白色暴动 - 我的暴动
    Black people gotta lot a problems 黑人要面对一大堆的问题
    But they don't mind throwing a brick 但是他们并不介意丢砖头
    White people go to school 白人要去上学
    Where they teach you how to be thick 那个教人如何变得强大的地方
    And everybody's doing 每个人都这样做
    Just what they're told to 就是按照他们所告知的去做
    And nobody wants To go to jail! 没人想要蹲监狱
    White riot - I wanna riot 白色暴动 - 我想要暴动
    White riot - a riot of my own 白色暴动 - 我的暴动
    White riot - I wanna riot 白色暴动 - 我想要暴动
    White riot - a riot of my own 白色暴动 - 我的暴动
    All the power's in the hands 所有的权利都在
    Of people rich enough to buy it 富可买卖官爵的人手中
    While we walk the street 当我们走在街上的时候
    Too chicken to even try it 因为年幼而不敢尝试
    Everybody's doing 每个人都这样做
    Just what they're told to 就是按照他们所告知的去做
    Nobody wants To go to jail! 没人想要蹲监狱

    White riot - I wanna riot 白色暴动 - 我想要暴动
    White riot - a riot of my own 白色暴动 - 我的暴动
    White riot - I wanna riot 白色暴动 - 我想要暴动
    White riot - a riot of my own 白色暴动 - 我的暴动
    Are you taking over 你有没有听到?
    or are you taking orders? 或你有没有接到命令?
    Are you going backwards 你会畏缩后退吗?
    Or are you going forwards? 或者还是向前冲呢?
    White riot - I wanna riot 白色暴动 - 我想要暴动
    White riot - a riot of my own 白色暴动 - 我的暴动
    White riot - I wanna riot 白色暴动 - 我想要暴动
    White riot - a riot of my own 白色暴动 - 我的暴动
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